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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Mobile Testing Unit Realized??
- - By douglas dunn (*) Date 10-05-2015 20:12
I don't often post to the forums here however this is a topic of question that is best published among all of you who is fellow CWI's and has had experiences unlike those found anywhere else on all other social media. any and all feedback will be greatly appreciated.
I have accepted a position with PMI ( Payroll Management Inc. ) roughly a year ago, we specialize in payroll management, employee leasing and staffing. I was reluctant in taking this position when it was offered however I saw an opportunity to help the industry and construction business with supplying skilled welders who I have verified using mockup test here in our weld shop prior to sending them to the field for the actual testing.
My employer is nothing short of amazing and has kept me around during our slow months knowing that the industry is going to pick back up at some point, hopefully in the near future. She has recently handed me the keys of my own success by funding our first Mobile Testing Unit prototype that can be delivered to the work site complete with all welding equipment, bend testing equipment and the CWI (Me) to perform the tests required.
I have a background in Manufacturing and Construction Quality but I have minimal marketing experience. I have designed this to be a very cost effective alternative to the customary means of setting up on site for welder qualifications and doing my best to be a one stop shop. This is where I am asking for help from all of you....

So far I have the following to offer;
* On site Testing or Training unit equipped with welding and testing equipment and a CWI delivered to job site.
* Welder Recruitment and or staffing.
* Acceptance criteria, Rules for testing, WPS and safety training area in front of unit that is separate from welding area.
* Capacity for 5 welders testing and 5 welders in training area.

Do any of you have anything additional that would add value to this service or marketing ideas to get the word out?
If you would like to contact me outside of this post I can be reached at my email address or phone (337) 936-8947.
Thanks to all of you in advance and have a great day!
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 10-06-2015 12:07
Sounds like a great idea Doug!
I would include in your training options:
Shop weld quality inspection
Supervisor's weld efficiency / cost reduction training.

Parent - By douglas dunn (*) Date 10-06-2015 15:07
That sounds like a great idea Tim and I will definitely look into that.
Thank you!
Parent - - By Jarhead1 (**) Date 10-06-2015 12:58
Doug - Appears all is falling in place for you.
Where are you located.
Parent - By douglas dunn (*) Date 10-06-2015 15:20
I am located in S.W. Louisiana at Lake Charles. There is a lot taking place around here with the LNG expansions kicking off. Getting my foot in the door seems to have been the hardest part of this however it seems that everything is in the civil stages at this point. Hopefully by the time I have this completed some will be getting ready to start with the structural and piping.
This will be one of many to come if all goes well and will be able to provide some opportunities for the new CWI's to get their start as well.
The good part of this is that I am not restricted to this area and have a reach across most of the lower 48.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Mobile Testing Unit Realized??

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