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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / The Volkswagon Gambit
- - By yojimbo (***) Date 11-03-2015 19:44
What root motivation would permit the required mental gymnastics to rationalize the complete abrogation of the Social Contract so cynically and so beyond the pail.  Or is it "pale"?

Not to be outdone, the attached letter demonstrates the vaunted American Manufacturers are well prepared to meet the challenge and exceed their German counterparts in Corporate Gluttony.  My supplier informs me the test falsifications have been ongoing since the late 1990s.  No, the sky hasn't fallen, documented catastrophes have not been brought out on stage, the Sun will most likely rise tomorrow morning [although few of us in the Pacific North West will likely see much of it] and with any luck some smart legal minds will begin the undertaking of a massive class action suit which might or might not ultimately benefit my retirement portfolio, but the multitude of questions and underlying assumptions we are left to ponder is profound.  How many failed AWS D1.2 PQRs were affected?  How can any calculated design criteria be depended on?  Does that salesman's smile really represent a warm gratitude for my business or the gleeful, hidden knowledge he is profiting by selling snake oil, lies and deception? 

I can not answer the first question posed, or really any of the others, both asked and unasked, but I do know the unethical vagaries, morally ambiguous justifications and rationalized equivocations I listened to as a young man, directly from the mouths of people and authorities I was instructed to trust, sounded hollow, forced, deceptive and untrue and that it was that perception of basic dishonesty that steered me away from entering the corporate world.  For any who get the reference, I won't miss them when I am bow hunting Elk in Rockefeller Center.

"Question Authority".  "Resist Much, Obey Little".   W. Whitman
Attachment: SAPA.pdf (112k)
Parent - - By Stringer (***) Date 11-05-2015 01:30
Pretty sure it's 'pale'.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 11-11-2015 23:47
uhhh the liability.....Carefull what you post if in contract with....

Besides that.   Makes you wonder was the alarm bell rung down the chain by a customer or was this truly found internally and they are acting with integrity>?   Probably the former.  Length of mistakes will probably result in a mire of litigation.  Hard to believe any company these days would sink "Federal Contracts" for the sake of being honest.  Good luck with your share.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / The Volkswagon Gambit

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