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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / D1.1-2015 / A5.36
- By 803056 (*****) Date 11-08-2015 13:10 Edited 11-09-2015 05:27
I just thumbed through the new edition of D1.1.

OK, my first impression was not good. The new A5.36 is incorporated into D1.1 and it is daunting with all the "optional" designations, but the basic classification will suffice for most work. It gets a little tricky when one must meet seismic requirements or when post weld heat treatment or notch toughness requirements. There are eleven alpha numeric variables that can be included in the electrode classification. There is at least two people that sit on A5.36 that actually knows what all the numbers and letters mean. There is probable one fellow from D1.1 that knows and he's the one that put it in the code.

I am upset that they allow welding over water, oil, etc. I expected more from a body that is suppose to be in tune with what it takes to produce good welds. Let's say I'm not impressed with the product of their five year endeavor.

Best regards - Al
- By KBNY (**) Date 11-09-2015 14:44
Thank you for the insight Al.

Also, a summary of changes is listed in the Foreward section of the code.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / D1.1-2015 / A5.36

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