Working and knowing codes of any type isn't genetic. We all have to learn. Asking questions is a good start, but at some point one must get the necessary training. Training can take on different forms, one on one training, classroom training, self study, etc. A combination of all three is probably the most effective.
I have been called on more than once to provide classroom training and one on one training. As one client put it, "You two are joined at the hip. Where I see one, I want to see the other until he knows what you know." A week later we went our separate ways.
The point being, working with codes of any type isn't something that is easy to master. Sometimes it is necessary to call in someone that has the expertise needed to walk one through the process. It is easier to perform brain surgery if there is an experienced person to help you through the first one. Watching U-tube can only get you so far.
Best regards - Al
Although the variables written in attached pdf maybe are incorrect or dubious, the main query was if it was possible to writte on form if they met with both codes if they watched during performance tests all applicable variables for both codes for welder performance qualifitacion (i.e. thickness and diameters range, backing, material groups, process, etc.)
The WPS followed was qualified under ASME code. I mean for example if they perform a WPS qualification for ASTM 36 (P1) under Secc IX, the resulting mechanical properties will be the same under D1.1 under same conditions of test. (variables) discarding for this specific case CVN, PWTH, etc.
D1.1 says: WPS Qualification to Other Standards.
The acceptability of qualification to other standards is
the Engineer’s responsibility, to be exercised based upon
either the specific structure or service conditions, or
both. AWS B2.1-X-XXX Series on Standard Welding
Procedure Specifications may, in this manner, be accepted
for use in this code.
But Secc IX don´t says something simliar.
Please your interpretation to the paragraph above.
Sorry for my ignorance and for my questions.