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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Repair WPS and PQR
- - By tmlieberman Date 11-19-2015 13:45
I am working on a pipeline project and the Owner told us to bring our own procedures.  Typically the company which we do work for always provides the procedures and specifications for welding.  I provided the WPS to get the production welds made.  The Owner now wants a Repair WPS written to the "latest" edition of API 1104.  As a result the chief inspector is telling us we need a repair WPS written to the 21st edition of API 1104. 

I'm stumped.  For one we have yet to have a customer adopt the 21st edition and second, our customers usually just add repair guidelines in their specifications. 

Can anyone help?  I have the resources to qualify a procedure.  The problem is I have no experience with repair procedures.

Thank you
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-23-2015 22:48


I had not responded because API 1104 is not really my specialty and I don't often have my copy handy.  Hard to carry everything in the library with me onto a job site I have to walk 1/4 mile to get to the inspections office from the parking lot.  Excuses, excuses...I probably should in order to get into better shape for my upcoming elk hunt.

Anyway,  let's look at some of this in this manner:

Normally, I would like to see every sub-contractor on the job provide their own.  That way I know they know what they are doing and how they expect to accomplish the work.  See, if the contractor up the line provides it, they may not have that process available or just try to do it their own way anyway because 'that is how they have always done it'. 

But, as it is the guy's responsibility who landed the job, it may be in their best interest to provide the WPS regardless of how many subs they need to hire in order to make sure the job is run the way they want it run.  Call out the process, electrode, welding parameters, etc at his discretion, don't leave it up to all the subs. 

Now, if they have asked you to provide your own, then they are leaving several things to your discretion.  Can be a wise way to go under certain conditions. 

Usually a repair procedure isn't that complicated, but, not knowing how it is addressed in the 21st edition I could be way off base.  Would rather wait on some of our very qualified piping guys to chime in.

He Is In Control, Have a Great Day,  Brent
- - By Trackergd (**) Date 11-23-2015 20:37
I noticed that no one had replied to you...keep in mind that I'm new here and all, but it seems odd to me that the customer/end user is not providing approved procedures.  Our Engineering group provides our welders with procedures that they develop in conjunction with an outside weld testing lab (the same organization that tests and certifies our welders) and we inspect to those procedures.  The exception is Government projects where the main contractor sends us procedures and we weld up samples for them to evaluate.
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-23-2015 22:58
You don't have to be an old timer here to offer up your suggestions, knowledge, and experience.

We only ask that you make it as true to applicable codes as possible. 

While many things can be accomplished in ways that do not meet code criteria, that is not good professional advice on a forum generated by a producer of codes and specifications. 

There are many times the 'Farm Code' (as many here like to call it) applies and it is not necessary to 'beat a guy up' over having not followed the specifications of a code.  But the codes often apply much more than people want to admit in that they are full of 'common sense' directions: preheat, electrode selection, joint configurations, environmental conditions, etc.  While we all know of farming, logging, piping and other jobs that have been done in some pretty off the wall conditions and methods, it is hard to argue that they would have been better for quality and safety if the guidelines of the codes had been followed, even if they haven't failed and killed anyone...YET.

This is an open forum of opinions and personal experience.  You haven't participated much if you have never been criticized for a statement you made.  And try not to read 'tone' into responses.  It is hard to really know HOW someone said what they did. 

Welcome and thanks for responding to the OP.

He Is In Control, Have a Great Day,  Brent
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Repair WPS and PQR

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