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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Certified Radiographic Interpreter
- By YoloinColo Date 01-05-2016 02:56 Edited 01-05-2016 06:01
Happy New Years to everyone! This year I am going to make my CWI even more valuable by obtaining the CRI endorsement. Does anyone know exactly which books are going to be the BEST for studying material??? On the AWS website, in the body of knowledge section for the CRI, there are around 10 books listed that are advised for reference materials... Is it possible that there are 2 or 3 out of those 10ish that will be way more useful than the rest??? I ask this because-1, I do not want to buy all of the books if I don't have to, and 2- when I studied for my CWI, I noticed that out of the 9 or 10 books I had studied, less than half were of actual importance. There were a few books that were extremely helpful and packed with lots of knowledge, while the other books were pretty much just filled with repeated explanations/terms (that were just worded differently), AND I could find all of their information in my main-use books. Any clues as to which books will be the most helpful??? Thanks guys!:cool:
- - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-13-2016 23:01
Hey Everyone,
    Any help with this? I am wondering about this as well. I also plan to get this certification.

Parent - By hvymax (**) Date 01-14-2016 15:32
Same here. I need to get my 40hrs in this year and next to cover my for my SCWI. This and UT.
- - By welderbrent (*****) Date 01-14-2016 00:30
I skipped this since I don't have any first hand knowledge concerning this exam and the preparation for it.

Maybe with a few posts showing up here some of our esteemed members with that knowledge will speak up and fill us all in.

Oh, sorry I missed it, Happy Birthday John.  Hope you had a great day.


He Is In Control, Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-14-2016 17:49
Thanks Brent. I figured responses might be slow coming as new as this CRI is. Hopefully we get some feedback from someone who has done or is doing this.

Parent - - By YoloinColo Date 01-21-2016 04:39
Thanks for the welcoming Brent!
Parent - - By cwipg25 (*) Date 01-25-2016 18:09
I took and passed the one week seminar and test in June and found it to be very informative. I wish I had taken the course sooner, as it was more in-depth than the online interpretation course I took through Worldspec years earlier. As part of the course, they gave us reading material that we had to return at the end of the week, and this is all I read in preparation for the exam. It would be very difficult to read everything they asked us to read after class, because there is not enough time to do so unless you are a fast reader. One thing that helped me out was that I took a film photography class through the local college the semester just prior to the seminar, and I was able to apply the fundamentals of photographic film processing to radiographic film processing, as they are very similar. I suppose, if your are a CWI and have a good understanding of the fundamentals of welding, I would recommend focusing on the books that are geared toward RT, such as the ASNT RT and radiographic interpretation books. I recall from class that the people who had previously failed the exam had failed the practical part. For this I would recommend getting familiar with the different terminology that is used in the different code books as API describes discontinuity types differently than AWS and ASME.
Parent - - By YoloinColo Date 02-05-2016 03:21
Parent - By BABRTs973 (*) Date 02-05-2016 23:10
Keep in mind this is not a industry accepted certification. Most require ASNT/TC1A certification as a level II to interpret radiographs. The training may be used as training hours for increasing from Level 1 to II. Just be sure you understand the limitations of the certification.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Certified Radiographic Interpreter

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