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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Qualification of New PQR for Grade D
- - By ravn Date 01-24-2016 15:51
I'm qualifying a new pqr for material NK KD (Grade D)  in 2G position as per ASME Section IX. The test coupon is 50mm thick (FCAW), and will qualify to a thickness range of 5-200mm as per ASME IX.
Can you please verify if following tests are correct for qualifying my PQR?? If incorrect please correct me any additional or any tests mentioned below I should avoid\
Type of Tests
1. Visual Test
2. Radiography Test
3. Chemical Analysis
4. 2 Tension Tests
5. 4 Side Bend Tests
6. Impact Test ( At -20deg)
7. Macro Examination
8. Hardness Test (Vickers)

Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 01-24-2016 16:14
Hello ravn;

Did you check the construction code, i.e., Section I, Section VIII, B31.3, etc.? The construction code will specify if CVN is required and whether PWHT is necessary for the thickness range being qualified.

The CVN is dependent on the construction code, the maximum thickness to be welded, and the lowest expected service temperature (including start-up and shut downs).

I can see situations where the thinner thickness range may not need CVN or PWHT, but the thicker material would need both CVN and PWHT if you are to list the full thickness range on your WPS.

There is more to qualifying the WPS than simply meeting the requirements of Section IX.

I always ask the client what construction code they will be working to so I can check for the "hidden" requirements that modify Section IX.

Best regards - Al
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Qualification of New PQR for Grade D

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