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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Correcting a PQR: How do do it, and who can do it?
- - By Bowler_Hat (**) Date 02-10-2016 10:31
Hey all,

Let imagine I performed a PQR, kept everything in line, all documents and records were kept...and a month later I look back and see, 'Shoot, I misspelled brazing procedure qualification record (BPWR) it should be (BPQR) not (BPWR).'

I'm under the impression that a correction such as this are allowed.

Would this kind of correction still be allowed if I did not write/sign the original document?

Outside of that, I'm with the understanding that no variables can be corrected from the original document, regardless if I was the originator or not.


Parent - - By Tyrone (***) Date 02-10-2016 12:20
Hey Bowler,
Anything can be changed/corrected as long as the proper procedures are followed and documented.  Management can make changes, but assumes all responsibility for the change.

Small things like spelling mistakes or BPQR not BPWR is a non-issue.  Things that may jeopardize the outputs of the PQR is something more serious.  It's much easier to get the originator to make the change (if he agrees).  If the originator is no longer available, Management must weigh the risk and make the call.

Parent - - By Bowler_Hat (**) Date 02-10-2016 12:43
Any inclination where the  proper procedures are detailed?
Parent - By Tyrone (***) Date 02-11-2016 11:49
They would be detailed in your Company's departmental process & procedures.  A large company would have a Configuration Management department that controls revisions to documents. Small companies may have no procedures at all.  What does your supervisor say?

- By In Tension (**) Date 02-10-2016 18:04
Having an editorial mistake in your PQR really doesn't hurt anything, other than appearing unprofessional, as long as it doesn't affect the parameter values.  If it's really bugging you (it would me, too) then treat it like you would any other quality document and revise it, along with a record of what was changed, by whom, and when.  It's now "PQR XXX, rev 1".  Retain the original document to appease the auditors, TPI's, etc.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Correcting a PQR: How do do it, and who can do it?

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