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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Adding a Prequalified WPS to a WPS supported by a PQR
- - By Bowler_Hat (**) Date 02-19-2016 11:46
Hey All,

Question for you: When using multiple processes in a WPS, is it allowed under D1.1 to support the WPS with both a PQR for one program and a Prequalified WPS in another?

Also...are there any seminars and or lectures as to how to build a PQR, deriving WPS and supporting with multiple PQR's. I seem to come up with more questions than answers in these issues. Especially when trying to simultaneously learn how to utilize WeldOffice. (My company calls it an industry standard...and so I've got to learn it. I'm sure it's great for those that understand the lingo...I just don't like leaving interpretation to a program.)

Parent - By WeldinFool (**) Date 02-19-2016 19:13
Based on my understanding of the D1.1 standard, you would create a separate WPS for each welding process (I don't think it is allowed to have multiple processes on the same WPS). You are then allowed to combine these WPS's for use on a multi-process weld joint. I'm sure the experts on here will elaborate (or berate, depending on how I did with my response)...
- By 803056 (*****) Date 02-19-2016 20:52
This might solve your quandary:

AWS D1.1 Interpretation
Subject: Combination of Qualified and Prequalified WPSs
Code Edition: D1.1-84
Code Provision: Subsection 5.1.3
AWS Log: D1-85-019
Inquiry: Does 5.1.3 permit a welding procedure to be used that combines a welding procedure qualified
in accordance with 5.2 for the root of the weld and a prequalified procedure for the remainder of
the weld?
Response: Yes. A combination of qualified or prequalified joint welding procedures may be used without
qualification provided the limitation of essential variables applicable to each process is

Best regards - Al
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Adding a Prequalified WPS to a WPS supported by a PQR

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