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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / CWI Services rate to Charge for welder qualification, etc.
- - By Leep6064 Date 02-23-2016 14:18
I am wondering about the customary rate to charge for my CWI Services for welder qualification and visual tests? I know area effects this charge. I am in Western South Dakota. I just need a ball park rate.

Parent - - By jarsanb (***) Date 02-23-2016 15:57
It is a broad question. What your services are worth is really up to you, but, for comparison, see attached....
Parent - By jarsanb (***) Date 02-23-2016 20:16
This report lists hourly wage for contractors. There are other charges that typically apply as well, fringe package hourly, communications package daily (phone/computer), travel expenses (vehicle rate and/or mileage) daily and per diems when agreed....or an inclusive set amount +/- mileage.
Parent - By TheNumber8 (*) Date 02-24-2016 23:17
I am not sure of the wages in your area but another factor that comes into play is whether or not you are utilizing your own equipment/shop facilities to do all testing or if you're simply are called to a facility to conduct visual inspections prior to other nondestructive and destructive testing which will be done else-ware.

Personally, my standard rate for VT, PT or MT is $100/hour for local jobs.  If I were to have to travel and stay multiple days it's $100/hour + the standard federal rates for food and lodging + federal standard rates for mileage to and from the facility.  In these cases, I do not charge for mileage from hotels and around town travel while traveling to work each day. 

Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / CWI Services rate to Charge for welder qualification, etc.

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