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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Need for convex root beads in dissimilar welds btw C-steels
- - By AB Date 03-03-2016 01:25
Hello Gurus,

Below is a an old post by a respected member:

Topic NCPWB welder qualification By 803056 Date 04-20-2015 00:01

"You hit the nail on the head Milton.

One doesn't appreciate the finer points of welding until you weld up a test plate and slice and dice it for testing. It is the little things like the importance of proper cleaning, wire brushing between weld passes, the need to use more aggressive cleaning methods to remove tenacious oxides (think nickel alloys), the need to deposit convex beads in the root of dissimilar joints of carbon steel to stainless steel, etc., that are discovered when actually qualifying the WPS. Those lessons are not appreciated when one picks up a purchased WPS that was qualified by someone else.     

The problems come to light when watching a welder use a SWPS to make a production weld on something as simple as carbon steel and all the worms show their ugly little heads. "But the WPS says I can do "X, Y, and Z."

Yea, right!

Best regards - Al"

Had please wanted to ask about the importance/significance of the need to deposit convex beads in the roots of dissimilar joints of C-steels to SS.

Thank you.
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 03-03-2016 04:37
Hello AB, I cannot speak for Al, yet I believe that those statements may be referring to centerline cracking that might occur as a result of a "concave" root bead (think in terms of width to depth ratios) might exhibit a propensity to cool too rapidly in the center of the bead and thus promote centerline cracking. Just a thought of mine and not necessarily the correct one. Good luck and best regards, Allan
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Need for convex root beads in dissimilar welds btw C-steels

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