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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / I have not posted anything fun or positive in a while
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-19-2016 00:31
In my weird down time I decided to build an lp fired forge for my son to use in his knifemaking.  Of course along those lines we are planning some belt sander projects and buffers (large buffers that do not cost 2k).   I took a practice pipe of 12" from a wannabe pipeliner and used it for the body.  Threw in a quick floor, tig fused some 1/8 rod for hooks (insulation), sacrificed a short piece of my amazing three run hoosier pole for some burner holders....then insulated with some 1" kaowool(thanks superflux) and coated with kast-o-lite.  Plan on using plistex 900f for IR reflector and installing two 210k btu burners.  It will do fine with one but in case we want to do any forge welding I put in a second burner hole.   We also plan to melt AL for some casting projects, a second burner will be handy to make this go quick and use less fuel.  I got some very beefy 6kf brick I am going to carve some crucibles out of but I would like to learn to make one from steel in the size I need eventually. 

Some folks like to golf, some like to play pool, some like video games....this is how I like to spend my free time around the house.

This last one is burning the casting off, darn thing would not fit in the oven.  Weird I watched moisture fall from the burner holders for over three hours.  The casting had a 24 hour dry, there was still a ton of water left. Dang glad I burned it off before putting the real fire to it.

Yall take care

Parent - - By Trackergd (**) Date 03-22-2016 20:38
Your going to melt AL? :eek:  Call me crazy, but I think he might object to being shoved in an oven...  I'm jus sayin... :grin:

On a side note, I'm wondering if you could weld up a stainless tray and put BBQ in there... :wink:
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-22-2016 21:50
better get a bigger oven
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-26-2016 03:51 Edited 03-26-2016 03:54
Why I got a chainsaw and time on my hands????:grin:   Object??  Hell he always has some kind of argument, why would this be any different.  I still have not decided on the shape of the casting...any suggestions>?
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-26-2016 14:56
Nice oven man!! Got some of that 12" pipe laying around here myself!

What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs in a forge....AL, just doesn't seem to work.


Look forward to seeing pictures of it in operation!
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 03-30-2016 13:45
I'm going to the beer store.
Parent - - By Trackergd (**) Date 03-30-2016 21:04
Your always going to the beer store Sourdough... :razz:

Can you deduct the mileage on your income tax?   "Travel mileage to pick up consumables".  :grin:
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-31-2016 22:01 Edited 03-31-2016 22:38
Well I am sure some deductions paid for those trips more then once....Ur missing the point Garrett....Sully is just driving the point home that I am a hopeless drunken sot, totally alcohol fueled stinger slinging bastard.  Or at the very least he is lightly inferring that.  You must read between lines with him as he has an alternate agenda with every post,,, just to see if anyone is really listening.  It is kinda shocking how many folks on here JUST think he is an *******.

I guess it works that is about a three minute soak on a cold start..a simple railroad spike I am going to introduce carbon to to make a shaping chisel..after playing around a bit I figure total warmup time is about 8 mins for the forge to "glow" all way round.  Different gas pressure from warm up to run .  I am hoping we can run on about 5-8psi to keep 1900 or so degrees.  Time well tell as we run it.  The brick in front I pulled from an Aluminum melt furnace rebuild a few years back....ultra expensive brick rated to over 6k maybe 9k I don't remember.  Doing all this currently off your avg 20# gas bottle with no freeze issues...yet.  Scary how fast that SS burner flare approaches melt temp..its in insulation and retracted from the flame exposure but I expect it to be a high consumable unless I can tune the flame to ignite further out. 

Anyway our first project is  a simple set of tongs....hopefully locking ones....I will post as successes occur and maybe our best failures:lol:
Parent - By Trackergd (**) Date 04-01-2016 06:45
"You must read between lines with him as he has an alternate agenda with every post"

Ah...  I think I get it now.

Can't sleep after a lecture on how to heat straighten bridge I beams hit by a errant trash trucks...  Might as well enjoy your new furnace pictures!
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-03-2016 13:31
I'm going to church.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 04-14-2016 04:21 Edited 04-14-2016 04:33
Church of the whiskey bottle and 383 stroker eh?  The church of divine non conformity.

Second product from the forge, first was a basic set of tongs.  This is my 16 yr old sons second attempt at a knife with selective help by me.  He is on his way and hopefully will be producing high end stuff in the next few years.  I will say i can easily shave my face with this knife, beard or not.  Produced from a high quality farriers file, the spine has been softened up and the edge is hard as can be...will be difficult to sharpen with a stone.   It is currently for sale.




BY the way thank you Superflux for your advice.
Parent - - By kcd616 (***) Date 04-14-2016 05:41
very nice work
kudo's to the young man
thanks for sharing
PS: flux is a great mentor for blacksmithing
flux does need to work on his welding:wink::evil::twisted:.....hehehehe
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 04-14-2016 06:06 Edited 04-14-2016 06:08
your telling me  hahahahahaha

he is learning thx for the props, hopefully it will develop into a real skillset.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 04-28-2016 18:17
I'm devastated...:confused:
Parent - By kcd616 (***) Date 05-11-2016 16:32
just trying to razz you:razz:
your still my hero:evil::twisted::wink:
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 04-14-2016 11:27
Nice work by Jr. !!!!!

You might want to scrounge up some used power hacksaw blades... They are pretty easy to come by and can make a wicked Rambo or just good practice material.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 04-28-2016 18:16
Band saw blades from a Sawmill are good too.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-27-2016 23:23

Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 05-10-2016 02:16
Knife won first prize at a county fair showing a while back..small just sold for $100 bux.  100 bux for second blade ever....ehh maybe he should devote some time to this and learn a thing or two.
Parent - By Trackergd (**) Date 05-11-2016 11:10
One of my best friends is David Beck, the original maker of the Tracker survival knife.  I watched him make his first knives (I still have one), to today where he can't keep up with the demand.  His knife was featured in the movie "The Hunted" with Tommy Lee Jones and Benicio Del Toro.  Have your son watch the movie and check out Dave's website.

Your son may be onto a nich market.  The type he is making now is very popular with fur trade era reenactors and black powder shooters.

Tell him congrats on First Prize.  There is a market waiting for his talent.  Sooner or later someone is going to have to follow in Dave's footsteps....
Parent - By kcd616 (***) Date 05-11-2016 16:36 Edited 05-11-2016 20:51
tell the kid good job:yell::smile::cool:
expect great things from the boy
he has a good father
and all the support of the forum here
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 05-11-2016 22:13
That's pretty good!! I would pay $100 for it all day long!

I might have to see if he want's to make me one.

Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / I have not posted anything fun or positive in a while

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