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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Copper to Steel joint
- - By Charles Francis Date 04-05-2016 18:18
Hello everyone. I have a part comprised of 3/8" thick A36 that needs to be joined to 1/8" thick 1100 copper bar. I would like to GMAW-Braze  around this joint. Can I GMAW-Braze this with a Silicon/Bronze or an Aluminum Bronze Wire ? Any recommendations on that ? Gas I am assuming to be 100% Argon or possibly a He/Ar mix because of the Copper ? Does the Copper more specifically need to be Pre-Heated ?
I also have a question should the Polarity be Electrode positive or Negative ?

Thank you in advance for the help
Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 05-05-2016 22:52
Seems no one got back to ou.  In general you are going to want to preheat the copper only because it has such high specific heat and conductivity that it's harder to heat up from room temp and tends to promote cold roll, at 1/8th" it wouldn't take much but I would recommend between 100-300F for a preheat to make things a little easier. 

I unfortunately couldn't help you on the filler metal selection as i have not done any GMAW brazing of copper.  I don't see why 100% Argon would be a problem.
Parent - By mittajith (*) Date 05-11-2016 15:14

Good Evening All!

I am Ranjith Kumar from India and regarding Copper to Steel joining below are the alloy recommendation from my end.

In GTAW you can use Eutectic Castollin  - CastoTIG 45704W

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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Copper to Steel joint

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