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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / WELDING 904 L MATERIAL
- - By Sambuddha (*) Date 04-23-2016 06:37
What precaution to be taken while welding 904L material
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-23-2016 08:36 Edited 04-23-2016 09:09
904L Stainless steel - Super Austenitic Or Nickel alloy. Superior corrosion resistance providing they are welded carefully with low heat input (less than 1 kJ/mm recommended) and fast travel speeds with no weaving... Each run of weld should not be started until the metal temperature falls below 100°C... It is unlikely that a uniform distribution of alloy will be achieved throughout the weld (segregation), therefore this material should either be welded with an over-alloyed consumable such as 904L, or a 625, or solution annealed after welding, if maximum corrosion resistance is required...

Due to it's stable austenitic structure, this type of stainless steel is some what more sensitive to hot cracking in connection with welding and generally welding should be performed using a low heat input...
On delivery, sheet, plate and other processed products have a homogeneous austenitic structure with an even distribution of alloying elements in the material... Solidification after partial remelting, e.g. by welding, causes redistribution of certain elements such as molybdenum, chromium and nickel... These variations, segregation, remain in the cast structure of the weld and
can impair the corrosion resistance in certain environments... Segregation tendency is less evident in 904L and this steel is
normally welded using a filler of the same composition as the base material and it can even be welded without filler...

Here's an interesting .pdf covering the welding of stainless steels:

And the Avesta Welding Manual:

Edit: This welding manual and guide along with an app is from is from Sandvik:

There's more but again, I'm tired and gotta get ready for dialysis today so, y'all have a great day!!!

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 04-24-2016 01:49
Glad to see you're back Henry!

Take it easy. Don't put yourself in a strain.

Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-25-2016 22:10 Edited 04-25-2016 22:12
Hi Al!

Actually I never left, but I was too weak to post so I read as much as my eyes would let me before wanting to nap or sleep...

Getting a little better each day with respect to making the best out of the severe fatigue one has to tolerate after each session...

I find most of my time paying more for co-payments than ever before (Thanks Obama Care! - NOT!!!) and it just doesn't stop because when a few bills are paid 5 or 6 more are sent to me and I'm getting weary of all this money being spent with no sight of land in an ocean of debt... But hey - that's life!!! So I accept it as best I can, and I try to keep my mind as sharp as I can in spite of being hospitalized 2 more times since I stopped posting on a regular basis...

My Kidneys failed completely so either I become blessed again by our creator, and receive the gift of life again via kidney transplant, or I stay on dialysis for the rest of my life... The good news is I just got listed for a kidney a week ago and hopefully either my brother or my sister would become selfless and save life again by donating one of their own kidneys even though I haven't asked them yet to know if they would be willing to make such a serious sacrifice by donating and only if one of their kidneys match would that become a possibility...

I have a few friends that already have offered to donate one of their kidneys - provided they match my blood and tissue type... I almost forgot! Since I have been on dialysis starting in the end of July of 2015, and I have lost 167.4 pounds of fluid weight so far...None of my clothes fit any longer except my now baggy shirts and sweat pants... I mean now I can fit in my socks & shoes again - Woo-Hoo!!!

All the doctors before for the last 3 or 4 years kept telling me for their diagnosis that I need to stop eating so much and make better choices of what you do eat because you have too much fat... Well, Now I have proof that it was fluid that my kidneys weren't getting rid of that made me look fat and weigh as much as I did... I also got to tell them to their faces that "I told you so!!!" Part of me wants to forgive them and part of me wants to sue them all for negligence...

So that's what's going on in my chaotic life these days... And I promise to follow your advice as best I can my friend.

Parent - By Sambuddha (*) Date 04-29-2016 06:27
Thanks for the answer.  Hope soon you will  back to normal life after transplantaion.
Even since 2013 I am also suffering from kidney problem,
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / WELDING 904 L MATERIAL

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