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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / going back to college
- - By kcd616 (***) Date 06-10-2016 06:22
going back for at least another semester
student discount for stuff is great:evil::twisted:
and going to take yoga
something about young coeds in yoga pants makes me think
I need to take yoga:twisted::evil::cool::wink:
Parent - - By Trackergd (**) Date 06-13-2016 12:17
I'm cornfused.  What do yogurt pants have to do with welding?  :razz:
Parent - - By kcd616 (***) Date 06-13-2016 21:02
why we weld
and make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
young coed's in yoga pants:razz::evil::twisted:
now the little woman will razz me:razz:
Parent - - By Stringer (***) Date 06-13-2016 23:18
Apparently, when you get old enough, many universities will let you audit courses for free. In the name of diversification, I'm told. I don't live near any college that isn't strapped for money, however, so if I take a class I get charged full price. I took an online course from San Juan College in Farmington, NM (no yoga pants) and really enjoyed it, but the school is in trouble because the oil and gas people are pulling up stakes and moving back to Oklahoma and Texas.
Parent - By kcd616 (***) Date 06-14-2016 00:55
thought about moving to that area
but the kids and grandkids and in-laws are in NY
so the little woman vetoed that
but do love that area
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / going back to college

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