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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Charpy Testing SA36 material
- - By Pawndave (*) Date 06-15-2016 15:20

Can anybody tell me what i would expect to see as far as FtLbs if i were to do Charpy impact testing on SA36 material at a temp of -40F

Parent - - By WeldinFool (**) Date 06-15-2016 18:28
Have you researched the applicable ASTM standards for material requirements and charpy testing? There should be some good info in there. We have done extensive charpy testing on A572 plate and other materials, I will take a look at these reports and see what we were averaging. Also, you are going to get jumped for posting your question in multiple sections, just be warned...
Parent - - By Pawndave (*) Date 06-15-2016 23:05
Thanks!! Yeah i have already been told about multiple posts so i deleted the other two.
Parent - By WeldinFool (**) Date 06-20-2016 19:18
Well, I looked through our records for a previous project that required charpy testing on all materials used. We tested mostly A992 wide flange and A572 plate. Results for the A572 plate, tested at -20 C, were anywhere from 58 to 358 joules (the lab's charpy tester maxed out at 358). The main thing we were concerned with was verifying there were no samples that tested below the minimum values given by our customer, I think it was somewhere around 20 joules. Even then, you could have one of the three samples below the minimum, or something to that effect (I can't find their contract documents at the moment). Hope this helps!
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Charpy Testing SA36 material

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