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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / AWS Academic Access
- - By JWILBORN Date 06-28-2016 12:17
If the Technical College I work for was to purchase the AWS Academic Access, what documents would we be able to use/access? Would welding codes, SWPS proceedures, the AWS Handbook, premium items, etc. be accessible for the instructor/pupils?

I have read the FAQ(s) listed, but it is still somewhat vague on what would be included with the purchase. Is anyone on the forum currently using this program, and if so, is it worth the cost as a educational tool? Or theoretically, would we be better off just purchasing the few items we actually need individually?

Thank you for any advice.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 06-28-2016 15:21
Welcome to the Forum.

I can't answer about "Academic Access" 

But once you do find your answer, you might want to contrast what you get with SENSE membership.   I know SENSE schools get some good WPS's for training purposes, curriculum guides and choice of a number of specifications.   Or maybe this Academic access is a new part of SENSE.

Things change fast these days.
Parent - By JWILBORN Date 06-28-2016 15:51
Thanks Lawerance, I must admit I know very little about the SENSE program (other than reputation), but I plan on looking into it also.

You are probably right, if it (SENSE) provides WPSs for training along with the higher standards set for curriculum/learning, then that might be the best option to look at.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / AWS Academic Access

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