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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / California
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 07-04-2016 18:22
Just read about Kommifornia's new gun legislation. All I can say is you poor gun owners!!! Need approval from the Kommifornia DOJ to buy ammo, LOL!!

Don't fret though, they'll pass the pot smoking law in November so everybody can get high though!

Glad I live in a pro gun state where the politicians will tell the fed's to pound salt.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-04-2016 23:32 Edited 07-04-2016 23:34

Regarding the ammunition background checks, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence told the New York Times that the hope is they will serve as a backdoor tool for finding guns that aren’t on the books — something gun control advocates have been trying to do on the national level for decades. The Brady Campaign’s Amanda Wilcox said, “It can give us a handle on who has illegal guns in the state.

Suddenly, putting away ammo for calibers you don't own doesn't seem so stupid, or any ammo for that matter.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 07-08-2016 16:17
Of course it never occurs to these quasi-fascist geniuses that as soon as owners adapt to the new legislation illegal ammo will proliferate.
Parent - - By Trackergd (**) Date 07-07-2016 16:00
I'm working on a concealable, rapid fire 12 shot crossbow.  :grin:
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 07-07-2016 23:45
How is that going to make the "Slow Fire single bolt" cross bow feel that just came out and no longer felt the necessity to hide it's lack of cycle rate?
Parent - By Trackergd (**) Date 07-08-2016 10:15
Do you have a "continuity log" providing objective evidence of the slow cycle rate?  :razz:
Parent - By 357max (***) Date 07-08-2016 15:32
The "Mohammedans/Muhammadans" (as described by Presidents Thomas Jefferson - note the shores of Tripoli (Libya) (Semper Fi) & Theodore Roosevelt) ie Islamists, Muslim, Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, ISIL, Muslim Terrorists, Radical Muslim Terrorists etc. have declared war on Israel (Jews) and the United States of America (Christians). Historically the Crusades were fought by an army to protect Jews and Christians from annihilation. And the Americans are asked/legislated to disarm. Looks like a disaster.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 07-08-2016 16:56
The battle for gun rights is already lost. Its just a matter of time. Both sides of the political aisle have concluded that certain exceptions to the constitution are acceptable. Once any exceptions, ANY AT ALL, are accepted without going though constitutional amendment processes then the whole argument is rendered arbitrary. The constitution is irrelevant.  And then it all depends upon the will of the people, a people who are easily swayed in the direction the quasi-fascists want simply by keeping the body count in our daily faces and convincing us that guns are the cause and a lack of them the solution.
Put simply, any exceptions, ANY, to the constitution, opens the door to ALL, A L L, exceptions. Until it is nothing but a dusty old piece of history just as the political left wants it to be.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-08-2016 23:20
The continuity and survival of any society depends upon set boundaries of behavior and beliefs. Most often that is defined in the negative via laws and regulations that apply to that society. Therein what is acceptable behavior and beliefs for any given society is set.

When one group within that society breaks with the rest in any way, that society can be considered fractured. When the governed answer to different rules than those governing, it further fractures. Under those conditions a society is ripe for brittle failure. However, people make up a society which in turns lends itself to the living organism analogy. Those fractures can be considered cuts that bleed society.
Death by a thousand cuts so to speak.

The American Society is slowly but surely dieing if not already dead.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 07-09-2016 04:47
There's probably a few more phases before we disarmed. The final phase might not be very nice when you read a lot. 300 million firearms in the country millions upon millions of firearms owners who enjoy they second amendment right, legally. In reality it could get ugly.

I do feel that individual states need to enact laws to protect their legally armed residents. As Oregon and Colorado have done with "pot" and California is wanting to do, legalizing it without intervention from the Feds. I believe pro gun states need to pass laws to protect our second amendment. If they can legalize pot, then we can do the same for firearms. A plus for these states, any firearms manufacturers in states unwilling to pass laws and abuse the second amendment can move to the pro gun states. Same with the ammo manufacturers. I have already seen it here. Several firearms manufacturers have moved from the anti gun north to our state. Now if we can secure some powder manufacturers, ammo manufacturers we will be self supporting.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 07-11-2016 17:32
The states rights thing solves two issues. That of course applicable to this thread, gun rights, and of course the CONSTITUTIONALLY intended states rights as a balance of power against the feds.
Its unfortunate that the political left goes into hysteria about slavery and racism anytime anyone mentions the states rights issue. That is except of course for drugs.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / California

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