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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Set up question
- - By amalgam (*) Date 05-01-2003 15:19
If you have a good memory you will notice that all my questions have been regarding tables, welders, etc. The thing is that I am setting up my mini “atelier”. I never learned that in the course that I took. I was the only one learning welding to become a sculptor among a bunch of tough guys eager to work at the hazardous environment of the Port of Tampa. So, I guess that was why the instructor never paid too much attention to me, and I could not have the opportunity to ask too many questions. Having said that, I would like to ask about the gas tanks/bottles situations. I live in Florida and my garage gets pretty hot in summer. Keeping the gas in there would be a dangerous situation? What would be a good tank size for a hobbyist? And approx. how long would last one of those tanks?
Thank you
By the way, I am almost ready to set up everything, so maybe next time I will be asking more professional and challenging questions
Parent - By welder_guy2001 (***) Date 05-02-2003 05:28
as long as your garage doesn't get above 200 degrees, you'll be fine. a good hobby sized gas set is in the 80 cu. ft range which is not too big and not so small that you have to keep filling it up. you can find out how long any cylinder would last...a low flow rate for a GMAW welder is 15 cu. ft./hr. 80 cu. ft. divided by 15 cu. ft./hr = 5.33 hrs. of continuous welding time. the same goes for oxy-acetylene cylinders.
Parent - - By Dirtrider (**) Date 05-02-2003 11:41
Alfredo, I believe I have a 60cu/ft. bottle of 75/25. It has lasted me quite a while. I guess it depends on how much you weld. I run about 20cu/ft per hour on my gauge. So as already mentioned, I'll get like 3hours of actual "on the trigger" welding time (as the gas only flows when you're arching)...that is a LOT for a hobby guy tacking stuff together. Also make sure you shut the gas off at the bottle when you're done welding, incase you have a slight leak and it sits for a few weeks (parish the thought) you may come back to an empty bottle. If you can handle a larger bottle, the bottle will cost more, but the gas is cheaper. A 60 fills for like $27 and a 120 (or whatever the bigger one is) fills for like $36....according to my supplier.
Parent - By bzzzzzzzzzz (**) Date 05-02-2003 15:24
keep portability in mind when you get a bottle. Those big honkers are not so easy/fun to throw in a vehicle and travel for some side job somewhere. I went to an "m" size tank(i think it's 150 cu.ft.), and that sucker is going to last a really loooooonnggg time. The gas was cheaper, but I wonder if I'll empty it enough to justify the size. I'm talking about C-25 shielding gas. Make sure you buy or fabricate a solid and stable dolly for the tank/welder set-up. You don't want that tank falling over and kocking the valve off, 2000+ lbs. of pressure makes a nice propulsion system for a missile. Even if the missile has only the weight of itself as ordinance.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Set up question

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