Brent, my good friend, I have to disagree with one of your contentions.
As long as the base metal is listed in Group I, selected from Table 3.1, a non-low hydrogen electrode can be used to weld the joint. If all the remaining conditions of prequalification are met, i.e., the use of a prequalified joint is selected, a matching filler metal is used, a prequalified welding process is used, the preheat per category A as shown in Table 3.3 is used, and all the other conditions listed in Clause 3 are met, the WPS is prequalified. The point being just because the WPS includes a base metal listed as a Group I and is welded with an non low hydrogen electrode, it does not necessarily mean it must be supported by a PQR.
Can any of the base metals listed in Table 3.1 be welded with a low hydrogen electrode and can the WPS be prequalified? Yes, if all the other conditions of Clause 3 are met.
Can the welder that is qualified with an F4 electrode weld with F4, F3, F2, and F1 electrodes? Yes, if the qualification tests qualifies the welder for the positions used in production, for the weld type, and the product form, i.e., fillet or groove and structural shape versus pipe and tube.
Best regards - Al