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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / QUESTION ABOUT TUBULAR CONNECTION
- - By p.sheikholeslam Date 05-06-2003 09:38
In a tubular connection,We can define distance between two branches,as Gap(g)-According to AWS D1.1,2000-PAGE28,fig2.14(H).
Iwould like .to knew.How can i calculate space between two ends of fillet weld caps on the cored(main member) in this connection?
Can this space be zero?
thanks for your idea.
Parent - - By - Date 05-07-2003 03:30
Dear Sir,
I am sorry but I am not able to understand the way that your question is written in English. Would it be possible to rewrite the question or have someone else help?
Please understand that I am not trying to offend you - I am an American living and working abroad and have alot of experience with non-native English speakers. It is important to remember that at this time most of the readers of this forum are American and need the questions written in very clear English.
Parent - By p.sheikholeslam Date 05-07-2003 15:22
thank you for your idea
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / QUESTION ABOUT TUBULAR CONNECTION

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