Thanks Al,
I have not checked for an errata
I have read quite a bit of your other posts on AWS D!.1 and have found it extremely informative. thanks.
And I tend to aggree that you have to ensure parmeter transfer between differnet joint configurations, however considering rule of law (Code), however currently I am in the client review chair trying to limmit the amount by which fabricators tend to bend the rules. So given that note C prviously note i is for TYK joints I woudl say a CJP weld covers fillet welds and size is dependant on design drawings.
I just tend to wonder why is the procedure clause not as clearly stated as the performence clause C as below?
4.21 Extent of Qualification
4.21.1 PJP Groove Welds for Nontubular Connections.
Qualification for CJP groove welds shall qualify
for all PJP groove welds.
4.21.2 Fillet Welds for Nontubular Connections.
Qualification of CJP groove welds shall qualify for fillet
welds. However, where only fillet weld qualification is
required, see Table 4.11.
4.21.3 Plug and Slot Welds. Qualification for CJP
groove welds on tubular or nontubular connections shall
qualify for all plug and slot welds. See Table 4.10 for
plug and slot weld qualification only. The joint shall consist
of a 3/4 in [20 mm] diameter hole in a 3/8 in [10 mm]
thick plate with a 3/8 in [10mm] minimum thickness
backing plate (see Figure 4.26).