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Due to the revision of the format for the Welder Qualification Record M-4 in 2015 edition, should that form be used over such form as the 2010 edition. I understand some code reference numbers change from edition to edition, but if making those changes and stating 2015 in the (we the undersigned) area, would that allow for the 2010 format to be used? I ask this because a couple companies provide the 2010 format with personnel/company info filled out. The reason for asking is I have heard from another CWI that it is in violation because of the 2015 revised format. Also, aren't the software WQR's sometimes different than what D1.1 shows?
Any dialogue would be appreciated.
My understanding is that it is the information that is important, not the exact layout of the form. Compare the two editions to see what has changed, especially in the essential variables and allowable ranges. As long as you can include this information and all inspection is performed IAW 2015, you should be fine. Keep in mind that I'm not a CWI, however.
My opinion is that as long as you've got the information required by D1.1 Clause 4 you can use any format you want for the forms. The ones shown in D1.1 are really just samples. This also goes for the WPS and PQR forms, you can use any format you like as long as the required information is on there. Why anybody would try to say your are in "violation" (really?) because a form is created with the sample form from the 2010 version of D1.1 is beyond me...
The forms included in AWS welding standards or ASME Section IX are not mandatory. The employer can use any format that suits their needs provided the information required is listed. I do not use the sample forms included in AWS, ASME, or even API. I have my own forms that include all the information required and I include the welder's photograph.
Thanks everyone. I questioned this once I heard it and figured it was not correct. So just to be on the safe side, I knew answers could be found on the forum.
To add another voice to the thread: From D1.1:2015
First, Annex 'M' is 'Informative' not Mandatory.
Second, its' title is "Sample Welding Forms".
Third, it is then stated that the annex is NOT part of D1.1 and is for informational purposes ONLY (emphasis mine).
Forth, it goes on to say in the first text paragraph that they are "example forms".
Thus, what part of SAMPLE does this purported CWI not understand?
Somebody needs to learn how to comprehend what they might be able to read.
He Is In Control, Have a Great Day, Brent
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