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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Metalcore welding
- - By H.Dibben (*) Date 05-08-2003 16:41
It seems to me, unless I am misinterpreting something that AWS considers welding with metalcore wire to be a GMAW process, while in Canada it is consided a flux core process. Can anyone offer any insight into this.

My guess is that metal core welding is in between GMAW and FCAW. AWS decided to go one way and the Canadian authorities decided to go the other.
Parent - By Niekie3 (***) Date 05-08-2003 19:22

I am not sure whether you could say that "AWS sees it this way or that way". Certainly, one could look at how a specific code classifies metal core. While I am not very clued up with many of the AWS codes, someone may be able to give you an answer if you stated the code specifically.

Just as a matter of interest, ASME IX considders GMAW, FCAW & Metal core to all belong to the GMAW process.

Niekie Jooste
Parent - - By Sean (**) Date 05-19-2003 18:06
No, you are interpreting CSA W47.1 correctly. MCAW is treated as a FCAW process, unlike AWS D1.1 which treats MCAW as a GMAW process. This has implications on the qualification of the welding procedures.

You are also right about your description of MCAW and the CSA's interpretation of MCAW. MCAW is a compromise between GMAW and FCAW. You get the penetration benefits of FCAW; however, you don't have a slag, instead you get a glass. This means you can reduce your labour costs.

Parent - By H.Dibben (*) Date 05-21-2003 16:25

That's what I thought, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't getting things confused.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Metalcore welding

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