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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / Qualification Welder position 2F follow AWS D1.6
- - By elastico914 Date 06-12-2017 02:53
Hi everyone,
I need to qualify welder position 2F follow AWS D1.6. What is the number of Macroetch Test Specimens Required ?
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 06-13-2017 02:50
Welder qualification is one macro if I remember correctly. It is best to have a copy of the standard so you can verify the testing regiment.

If you can't afford the cost of the appropriate standard, you can't afford to do the work. It applies equally to the engineer, detailer, contractor, and the inspector.

Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 06-13-2017 11:28
Lemme say two things Al

First.   I spent about 15 minutes with my 2007 D1.6 and was unable to find a straight forward answer to the man's question.

Second,  It should be noted that the new 2017 revision of D1.6 is now available.  I have not downloaded my copy yet so I can't say if this question would be more easily answered by the latest revision.
- - By AA-RON Date 06-13-2017 21:25
It sounds as is you are doing WPQR, meaning you already have a WPS. It looks as if Figure 4.23 should give you the answer. This figure is for the performance qualification of a welder. The figure shown is pipe in the 5F position. So are you doing pipe or plate? Either way, my eyes tell me 2 macro etch and 1 break. See
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 06-13-2017 21:54 Edited 06-13-2017 21:57
Another Farm Code!

OK, clause 4.7.5 allows that a welder qualified with any of the base metals listed as Group I or Group II from D1.1 as acceptable for welder qualification for any of the base metals listed by D1.6.

Further into the reading it speaks of the permitted F numbers and it references all the filler metal listed in table 4.5 as acceptable. It includes F4 that encompasses low hydrogen electrodes selected from A5.1, A5.4, as well as electrode selected from A5.5 are acceptable.

I have two work arounds;

A welder qualified to D1.1 using SMAW with a base metal from group I or II using an electrode from A5.1 or 5.5 (I used E7018) is qualified to weld any prequalified base metal listed in D1.6.

A welder qualified to D1.1 using GMAW with a base metal from group I or II using an electrode from A5.18 or 5.28  is qualified to weld any prequalified base metal listed in D1.6.

And I can and occasionally do have the welder qualify a WPS using the fillet break test. The coupon is a little longer and involves a couple of macroetch samples in addition to the break test. I do this if there are any qualms on the client's parts.

If I am utilizing qualifications to D1.1, i.e., the fillet break test, it is one macroetch in addition to the break test.

Are you around Houston this week?

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / Qualification Welder position 2F follow AWS D1.6

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