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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / just something
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 07-25-2017 21:20 Edited 07-25-2017 21:46
I wrote this and printed, distributed to my children and select family in a time of strife.   I could have spent weeks on the prose of it all. I thought better to just be direct and spill my guts,,,,,usually works better.  I am going to post this here because I am sure we all have someone close who needs to think about it.  Love you guys.....probably my last post here, I have much to do.  My time is limited.  It is not a great way to say what I want. But deal with it .....good luck to all.

Why Life is not Working

I am not preaching or *****ing, I am writing this because I do not verbally communicate well with others.  I want to say something to you and if I write it down I will say it better.


We all have it, all we have is limited, finite, in other words we only have so much of it.  The coolest thing about time is it truly is the most valuable thing we have, to ourselves and others.  Matter of fact the time you have is every bit as valuable as BILL GATES minutes and seconds and years.  He has just invested his better then us.  We can give it away by the hour on a job, or to our families or two maintain what we own in return for what have you.  Thing is we have only so much, how are you spending it?

What do I REALLY want from my life?

Very few of us actually know what we want….if we know it fewer still really get to it.  You cannot know what you really want unless you know yourself, like yourself and can be honest with yourself.  That’s a lot to consider.  Basically where do you want to be right now …doing what….are you being truthful with yourself or just answering because of a whim or wish?  You need to know if you are not already there.  It is a hard question because everyday things happen to us and those things change who we are and what we think.  SO right now today…what do you want if you could snap your fingers and make it so?  What is your goal.

How I can make it happen [for real]

Be realistic, you can want to be a rockstar or the president both things will require a lot of steps to happen before your get your shot.  What is important to actually change things and get to where you want to be is to figure out that first goal and do it.  To be simple about it all:

1.  What has to happen first….what do you need to get out of your way first.  What is STOPPING YOU from that first step….well that really is your first step is it not?; get rid of that, solve it. What is the second problem…..the third?
2.  Make a plan for solving each one of those problems.  Do not be overwhelmed.  Focus on them one at a time.  BUT thinking about each step in a process helps you make good sound decisions.  I highly recommend putting your thoughts on paper in a list, looking at it makes it much more real.  If you do everything in your head it will get jumbled and not be as important.  A piece of paper with your world on it right in front of you makes you think.

3.  ACT.  Who cares more about what you want then you?  It is your time, your life, your problem to solve.  If you spend all your time thinking about it, or blaming your situation or other people for how they behave with you, well you’re just wasting your time….remember it is the most precious thing you have and the most precious thing you can offer other people.  Nothing will change if you do not change it. DO NOT count on others, count on yourself.

4.  Believe in yourself.  Who knows you better then you.  Do not listen to people who tell you it is not possible.  However think about seeking advice from those you trust….ignore there emotional responses and use their experience to save you that most valuable thing you have, time. Be realistic and consider your actual experience if you do not know what your doing seek help.


We all go thru day to day life, we all deal with those we live with and it spends our most precious thing…time.  We all have our own personal issues that will hold us back in one way or another from our goals.  Those are not excuses to live on for why we are not the president or a rock star…..they are us being timid and afraid and a good lie to tell ourselves while we explain to some one else why we are not there.   We all have some kind of baggage, what are you willing to get rid of that is a hindrance to you, what are you not willing to.  This is the last of your list to put down on paper and the hardest to be honest about.  These things are choices,,,,most often our crutches and biggest time wasters…we choose to drag them along or not.


Your life is yours, not your moms, dads, kids, cousins, bosses or anyone else’s. IT IS YOURS….if it sucks it is your own damm fault, you chose where you are….nobody else did…..if you think otherwise then you are not even ready for step #1.  Make it what you want while you can…you only get one shot.

I am a self absorbed ******* who TENDS to think I know whats up......I have been very wrong before. I have also been VERY right.

Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 07-26-2017 01:12
Some good points and suggestions Tommy. 

I gotta ask though: are you okay there guy?  Something in particular we can help with? 

The decisions you have headed forward with in your own life can be challenging if not done with some good counsel and support around.  Don't get overwhelmed.  Send a pm, post it here, or, my numbers are all easily available.  Call if you need anything.

Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-03-2017 22:39
Yea I am okay....some one or the other of my children are struggling with obstacles that seem impossible to them...just kinda a strange pep talk that's all.  I wrote that in a universal kinda way so nobody feels singled out.
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 08-04-2017 01:09
Good to hear.  Will keep you and the family in prayer.  I know what it is like to try and be a wise counselor to children who don't always listen.  But, were we any better at their age?  Maybe in some ways but not really.  We all have to experience those times of cutting the cord and doing our own thing our own way.  Then, when the things we are dealing with don't go our way, we get discouraged. 

But, your wise words were well thought out and expressed. 

Parent - - By Tyrone (***) Date 08-04-2017 12:56
Don't communicate well verbally?  Well you make up for it in spades with your writing.

Good food for thought.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-12-2017 03:04 Edited 08-12-2017 03:11
LMAO Tyrone......

When I was a very young kid, I got singled out for a special "talent" mentoring kinda program in elementary school.  I ended up taking college courses for 3 hrs a day in literature and "creative writing" by time I hit junior high.  Then life had its way and we had to make a big move to a place where money for silly things like that was a smoking dream.  I got discouraged.....yada yada yada......   I reckon I am one of those poor folks who has no filter in between his mouth and his brain......had the bruises and scars to prove it at early age.  I am older and wiser now, but I still recognize that I tend to be hard to take and put people off when I speak with them....still takes effort to be socially... not acceptable, never be that...but at least compliant?   

This personal defect has made me a rather difficult parent to my kids...and seriously affected my professional life..I just let it hang out way too often and speak exactly what I mean without putting the "normal" wrapper/trappings around it (paragraphs dude, paragraphs) that most sane folks utilize to get their point across.  However for some strange reason when I write things, other ideas and thoughts permeate the subject and it slows me down enough, just, that maybe I speak in a little more congenial way.  It's weird and I have never found a workaround for it that is really sometimes on some sensitive subject I just got to write a letter....intent works out better.

My lovely, caring BEST IN THE WORLD BAR NONE wife of now 18 yrs, well she bares the scars of my careless and sometimes wicked tongue as well as my kids.  Why she puts up with me I have no idea, the only thing I can think of is I am just such a beast in the bedroom it makes it all worth it!:grin:  I love her and she has taken it upon her self to make me a better man.  I am trying but I also know, I am who I am, different, unique person, thank God for that.

Who cares...i dunno ....just conversationilizing I reckon.

Well it was not my last post was it, that was a stupid thing to say.   Ehh......
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-14-2017 12:12
Funny Tommy,

In all the years we have known one another... at least 15 I would guess, I don't see the guy you described above.

Pretty level headed, willing to ask, willing to help, and not provocative.

Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-22-2017 01:15
Very kind of you LARRY (lol), but then again you have always been nothing but a kind gentlemen to me.  Hope your doing well in your traveling high stress gig there my friend.  I am fine, just fighting the good fight and doin what I do.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / just something

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