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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Practicing Pipe Welding
- - By Rc87 Date 09-17-2017 06:15
What is the best economic way to practice pipe welding without breaking the bank buying a bunch of weld coupons?

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-17-2017 16:51
Visit your local scrap yard and buy a piece of carbon steel pipe. Most of the pipe found in the yard will be carbon steel and easily welded. Cut the pipe into 3 or 4 inch lengths and bevel (37 degrees)  both ends so you can just add another nipple to the pipe you started with.

You can cut the pipe in a saw or torch cut it to the proper lengths. You can hand bevel the nipples with a hand grinder. You get practice cutting, grinding, and welding.

Parent - By Rc87 Date 09-17-2017 20:09
Thank You
Parent - By Karthik11k Date 03-11-2019 10:11
Thank you
Parent - By Blaster (***) Date 09-26-2017 19:14
We buy 21' lengths, cut/bevel them in the middle with an H&M1 "Okie Burner", weld together, cut out the weld with the Okie burner, and repeat.  Very little waste.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Practicing Pipe Welding

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