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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Demo shear BIG crack fix
- - By Mcsimon Date 11-03-2017 23:16
[img][/img]I'm here on the north coast of California and our local scrap yard wants me to fix there excavator mounted hydraulic shear. I run a mobile welding and heavy equipment repair business but have never fixed anything this significant. Trying to do all my research so I have good results. So this is about 6" steel in width and 10" in length. It's all but fallen off. My basic plan is to cut out the bad stuff and make a V and fill it all back in with 7018. Than maybe put plates over it at the end. Someone told me to I should hire someone else to keep a flame on the weld while I break and to air hammer periodically for stress relief. Not sure what the parent metal is. Any help would be buch appreciated and you can email me at I'm starting tomorrow morning!!  Can't figure out how to put images in the post all I get is this [img][/img]
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-04-2017 15:14 Edited 11-04-2017 15:18
Hold your horse McSimon;

It is clear this shear didn't fail in one day, so the customer can wait a day or two for you to get your ducks in a row and plan this repair. First you need to know what type of base metal you are dealing with. A small piece of it should be sent to a lab for chemical analysis. Then you know what you are dealing with.

Now you can determine the appropriate preheat based on chemistry and the thickness of the material being welded. You can also determine what electrode is most appropriate. The shear could be fabricated from a low alloy high strength steel or it could be plain carbon steel. That should influence your choice of filler metal.

Simply gouging out the crack and rewelding it can cause irrepairable damage to the alignment of the moving parts. You have to consider all the parts involved and how they interact.

Photos will help us help you. Take photos, plenty of them, and a few dimensions. Attach them to the message as pdf files. That will condense the size of the files and make it easier to transmit. When you write your message, send it and then look along the bottom edge. You'll see a notation "attach". Hit the button and it will take you to a different menu. Follow the instruction and you should be ship shape.

A rushed repair that doesn't hold up will lead to an unhappy client that will be more than happy to spread the word you are a terrible welder. Sometimes a "Golden Arm" isn't enough. The brain must be engaged before the first arc is struck.

Parent - - By Mcsimon Date 11-05-2017 16:09
Ok al, thanks for the advice. It sparks like plain old steel but I'm waiting to weld until I hear from the manufacturer. It's a gms 500r. Meanwhile I've torched out some Vs. in the crack event it also bent upward so when trying to bend it back in place it totally broke off. So now I have to deal with lineing it up. Hopefully the manufacturer will tell me something informative.
Parent - By Mcsimon Date 11-05-2017 16:20
Did the PDF thing but files are still too big to attach
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-07-2017 17:23 Edited 11-07-2017 17:32
Is this the type of unit you are talking about?

If so, where did it break?  Up at the attachment to the boom?  The moving or stationary jaw? 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By Mcsimon Date 11-10-2017 02:13
Yeah is basically that. It's a gms 500r. Talked to the reps and they said to weld it up with 7018. Although the parent metal has a tensile of 130000. I just finished the job a few hours ago and put in just over 60lbs of electrode! The part that broke was the starionary part right where the blade changes angle. There guy is gonna put the blades back on and use it tomorrow. After I torched all the bad metal out we tried to bend it back in place but it broke off so there is no parent metal holding it together, just my welding
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-10-2017 04:43
Tomorrow will tell the story.

If they give it a work out and it holds together, you can sleep easy.

Good show, but where's the photos?

Best regards - Al
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Demo shear BIG crack fix

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