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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Manager is forging inspection signatures, what can i do?
- - By kbirney Date 11-08-2017 00:48
How do I deal with my reports being forged? I have brought this up to my lead and I have confronted the manager how it is unethical. I have copies of my reports and there reports.
Parent - - By Joey (***) Date 11-08-2017 02:00 Edited 11-08-2017 10:23
Keep it cool bro, don't sign the forged reports. Keep your original copy....and enjoy your salary.

Your report is the property of your employer, they can do whatever they want to do with your report with or without your permission. Whether you do it right or wrong, your employer is still responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever may it caused.

But don’t sign a forged report, if your employer wanted your report to be written the way they want it to be, then the company boss have to sign it, a report signed by your employer or by the company Boss is preferred by many.

I’m just thinking why they need to employ a competent Inspector, when their business practices include forging reports:confused:.
Parent - - By kbirney Date 11-08-2017 12:07
All of are documents are electronic so it just has a copy of my signature and my CWI #.
Parent - By Joey (***) Date 11-09-2017 01:07
A forged report made by your employer is meant to please the customer. If you can't leave your company, the best thing you can do now to protect your reputation is to make a preliminary report (you can make your own format, if this is not a company practice), get it signed off by a customer rep after your inspection and before you leave the factory / premises.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-08-2017 03:11 Edited 11-09-2017 00:18
See my response to your other thread on this subject.

Place a good distance between you and that employer. You do not want to be guilty by association. Clearly, that is an employer that is unethical and could be breaking the law by committing fraud.

Parent - By Steelslinger (**) Date 11-08-2017 22:14
I responded in your other thread, but will repost it here:

I print all of my reports to PDF. Then using Adobe Acrobat (not Reader) I can disable editing and then electronically sign it.

One copy goes on the company server with the job docs, another copy goes on a memory stick that I keep in my possession.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Manager is forging inspection signatures, what can i do?

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