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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Welding operator vs. Tack welding
- - By SRS755 Date 02-27-2018 19:22
Many times a welding operator has to perform a tack to hold a part in place in order for the Robot to weld the part.  I am define a tack in this case as holding the welding nozzle in one place for 2 seconds, not making an actual fillet weld as in the Tack welding test.
Is it necessary to Qualify the Operator as a Tack welder in addition to being qualified as a Welding operator.  I have not found any case or comments to that effect online.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-01-2018 14:54
If the tack weld is incorporated into the production weld, qualification is required. If the tack weld is removed prior to making the production weld, no, the tack welder need not b qualified.

Parent - By SRS755 Date 03-01-2018 14:56
Okay thanks.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-02-2018 16:12

Take a look at D1.1 latest revision clause 5.17.1

“(1) Tack welds and construction aid welds shall be
made with a qualified or prequalified WPS’s and by
qualified welding personnel”

No matter how you define “tack” weld or construction aid welds....Whether it’s consumed, removed or left on the weldment, all procedure and performance requirements are in force.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-02-2018 17:55
There I go again, making an assumption. Since the post mentioned a "nozzle", I assumed we were talking about a vessel and I assumed we were dealing with an ASME code. Silly me.

Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-02-2018 19:28
Ha ha

Welding nozzle


Welded Nozzle
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Welding operator vs. Tack welding

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