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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Weld test administration - What is allowed
- - By illmaniac123 (*) Date 06-14-2018 12:44
We do a pipe test in the 2G rotated position. We use Section 9 BPVC for visual and radiographic testing criteria. BUT here is the real question.
How do weld shops/departments administer the weld test for Performance Qualification? I know there needs to be inspection after tacking/preparation stage and weld passes.

Some people/websites say that grinding is allowed if there is porosity or something like that and can be done by the welder during the test. During a production run the welder would have to grind out defects but some say that there cannot be any grinding for weld test. Thoughts?

Some people/websites have the inspector basically looking over the welder's shoulder and others seem to allow the inspector to let the welder do their thing and get the inspector after the pass or piece is completed. I wouldn't want to put added pressure of someone standing there all the time but I wouldn't want the welder to be able to flip positions or something weird.
Parent - By Steelslinger (**) Date 06-14-2018 12:59 Edited 06-14-2018 16:31
I don't know ASME IX very well, but as an example:

We test to D1.1 & D1.5 at our shop.

D1.1 requires that the Test Administrator (QC, CWI or other appointed person) inspects fit up, root pass and then cover (prior to cutting & grinding flush for bend tests). There is no real restrictions placed on the Test Taker, by code, other than following the supplied WPS.

D1.5 requires that same checks as D1.1, but then puts further restrictions on the Test Taker by not allowing power tools, only hand wire brush and hand chipper, basically you are not allowed to alter the weld bead except for putting in another weld bead (i.e. no filing, peening, etc). It also requires all cleaning to be done in position.

Aside for inspecting those hold points, I leave the welder alone and let him/her do their thing. I usually stay in the area, but I don't stand over them or watch everything they do, unless I catch something that doesn't seem right. If they have issues/failures I will offer to watch their technique to offer critiques and advice.

Now, the shop/company is allowed to add their own restrictions and requirements for weld tests that their employees take, in excess of what code requires. But make sure that those requirements are written into your shop's QC/Weld Testing procedures and that the welders are aware of them.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 06-14-2018 14:49
Some people want something a certain way just because they have heard it in the wind and don't have a clue what the code actually says.  Some people want it to weed the welders from the wannabees even though it has nothing to do with the applicable code.  Some people just like to prove they can do something few other people can so they put restrictions on the test that don't mean a thing to the work being done. 

Depending upon your role, just do what the QC manual calls for.  Try to get it changed if it needs to be. 

When I first saw "2G rotated" I was about to cry 'foul'.  Then have gathered you are probably dealing with ASME not AWS D1.1.  In D1.1 there is not a 2G rotated, only 1G is rotated. 

Comments about D1.5 and D1.1 comparison are well stated and appropriate as this is a major area of confusion for many.  They cross D1.1 into D1.5 and think no one is supposed to use anything except a slag hammer and wire brush for testing.  As long as the WPS does not restrict use you may grind per D1.1.  Don't know about ASME.

He Is In Control, Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 06-14-2018 15:30
The codes generally do not identify specific inspections that must be performed other than a final before sending the sample to RT or slicing and dicing for destructive testing.

That being said, it is up to the contractor to establish guidelines that should be followed when qualifying a procedure or a welder. As a third party that qualifies welders for many different contractors, I have established my own procedures for testing welders. The welder is given a copy of the WPS, rules for testing, required inspections, and acceptance criteria. There are no surprises for the contractor or the welder.

These are not code mandated check points, they are mine since I have to be satisfied bedfore I place my name on the dotted line.

1) Review of the test rules, WPS, inspection hold points, and acceptance criteria. The documentation stays with the welder during the test so it can be referenced if there is a question during the test. This is when I take a digital photograph of the welder and check their ID for the test record.
2) Perform the listed inspections when each milestone stipulates an inspection: fitup, root pass, and final. I usually do a random check to verify the WPS is followed.
3) Perform a final VT with the test coupon in the test position and have the contractor perform a VT inspection before removing the sample for testing.
4) Collect the welding documentation.

The contractor is responsible to ensure their welders are properly qualified, so I insist on contractor participation. I test the welder at the contractor's facility. I no longer bring the welder to a testing lab. I require the contractor to play an active roll in the qualification effort.

Just my way of doing things. Other people have their own way of doing things. A good example of what I'm talking about is that I do not certify the welder. I simply qualify the welder. It is the employer's obligation to take responsibility for the welder's work. Part of the process is the contractor has to sign the test record certifying the test was given and tested in accordance with the applicable code.

Good luck - Al
Parent - - By illmaniac123 (*) Date 06-14-2018 16:10
Are you doing your qualifications as your own business?
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 06-14-2018 16:23
Parent - By illmaniac123 (*) Date 06-14-2018 19:52
I P'Med you. I have a couple questions if you have time.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Weld test administration - What is allowed

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