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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Advice from some experienced welders
- - By ironheardt Date 06-04-2003 14:30
hopefully this doesnt sound dumb, to alot of you. I have been welding for about 3yrs now finally ready to take some cert. tests, but I get very nervous when people are watching me work. When just doing it, Arc, MIG, TIG,or just cutting steel, I have no problem. What do I do when time to test? Which test would be the easiest to start with getting cert. in? I think if I get past the first couple of tests I wont be so nervous, but I really want/need to be cert. to get a better job.. Does anyone have any advice?
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 06-04-2003 20:54
Start singing your favorite songs to yourself, think of something that helps you to RELAX!!!
Pretend that there is nobody around and that you are making love to the metal (unless you have issues). Control your breathing!
Focus on the welding!!!!! If you do this, You will be alright.
Parent - By JTMcC (***) Date 06-04-2003 21:06
As you said, after making several test's your confidence level will rise and your nervousness should drop.
A simple plate test would probably be the place to start.
And remember, it's only welding, they aren't allowed to kill you if you don't pass the test ; )

Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 06-04-2003 23:24
If your production welds are good, keep in mind while testing that no matter how things turn out or what others think of your welding, you have the ability to weld good. Regardless of failed tests, no person can take that away from you.

Just weld, have fun and don't sweat it. Be careful because it can make you a little careless(Or it does me at least).

If you get nervous, thats fine. If being nervous affects your ability to control the weld, then you have to get over being nervous or separate that from your ability to weld.

This becomes harder when you "really need a job". Two of the tests I failed that bothered me the most were when I had very little money and no other jobs lined up. I was NOT nervous taking the test and probably should have been !

I still get anxious awaiting results and watching those straps bend around that jig. But thats half the fun.

Its a little more challenging than the regular old job interview.

Just keep welding and practicingand learn all you can. You will gradually get more used to it.

Have a good day

Gerald Austin
Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 06-05-2003 03:41
In a way this is what sports psychologists deal with- could be some help there.

This also sounds silly but perhaps adding stress while you practice could help. You could for example time yourself. Someone could stand behind you and yell insults. Then when you test it might seem relatively calm.

At any rate I wish you well.

Parent - - By ironheardt Date 06-05-2003 13:38
Thanks for the help, I really appreciate knowing others were nervous when they tested. I dont know about the shouting insults part but the timing part sounds like a good idea.. Thanks alot
Parent - By MBlaha (***) Date 07-14-2003 17:35
On The first test I took, I was shaking sooooo bad that the Test Conductor thought I was simply ocilating to wet out the puddle more.
All you can do is just relax and let time and experience rule. If you bust a test or two in the begining, big deal. There are very few out there that have not busted out on at least one test in their career. One thing that used to help me was to imagine myself welding on the boiler and not a test coupon. After a couple tests, the jitters and nervousness will pass. Trust all of us that have said the same thing.

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Advice from some experienced welders

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