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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Issues with Hobart Spool Runner 100
- - By harrykane140693 Date 07-05-2018 14:46
I have a lot of experience welding carbon steel, but his is the first time I have welded aluminum.

I've been practicing on 1/8 plate.

For starters, it smokes a lot. I'm surprised my neighbors didn't call the fire department.

When I use the settings in the table on the machine the weld is cold and doesn't fuse to base metal until after a couple inches then it wants burn through, And it smokes the same amount the entire time.

I have tried changing wire feed speed and voltage, if I go below the suggested settings then it never really fuses to the base material at all, if go above the suggested settings then it wants to burn though in a few seconds.

The power source and spool gun are new. I have welded carbon steel with solid .024" wire and this power source and the MIG gun that came with it, and it welds as to be expected.

I am using 100% argon, thats what the label on the cylinder says it is. Cylinder are leased from local welding supplier.

I am using the spool gun on DCEP

I am using ER5356 wire .030"

Gas flow is set to 30 CFH while welding.

I have taken the gun apart and checked for gas leaks or obstructions and cannot find anything obvious wrong with the gun.

THe amount of smoke it produces makes me think it isn't getting any shielding gas what so ever. The stinger is fully inserted into machine I've checked that twice.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-05-2018 17:38 Edited 07-05-2018 17:43
I saw a data sheet for a roll of Harris ER5356 .030 and for 1/8" material and it listed parameters of DC+ 120-150a/20-24v at 30cfh 100%Argon

Edit: if your shielding was lacking, you would know it as it would be full of porosity.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Issues with Hobart Spool Runner 100

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