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Up Topic Welding Industry / Metallurgy / Levels of discoloration in ASME BPE Code - Sanitary Welding.
- By andcord777 Date 08-10-2018 12:14 Edited 08-10-2018 12:19
André, from Brazil.

Guys, I have a quesion about the levels of discoloration in ASME BPE CODE, bioprocess equipments (Fig. MJ-8.4-2 and Fig. MJ-8.4-3 - BPE-2016).

How do I choose the appropriate maximum discoloration level of welding for my fluid?

Is there any table or pattern, like:

Hot Water = Levels #3 to #4;
Perfum = Levels  #1b to #2;
Vaccine = Level #1a.

Because, the standard always says: "The maximum level of discolorayion must be choose by the employer".... ok, but, how does the employer choose then?

Do I need to have many tests with each tube to tube and fluid one by one?

Thank you,
Up Topic Welding Industry / Metallurgy / Levels of discoloration in ASME BPE Code - Sanitary Welding.

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