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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Gas Pipe Welded nipple or weldolet
- - By zzzmbrst (*) Date 09-05-2018 20:10
Hello Guys,
I have a situation where a cut piece of pipe has been welded into a natural gas line. It is threaded on the non-welded end and 4" in diameter. A third party inspector has reported this is not acceptable and that a weldolet should have been used instead. Is this true? And if so, is there a specification that supports his claim?

Any and all comments will be very much appreciated.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-06-2018 19:07
Where are the design drawings? Who approved the detail? Who approved the WPS? Who performed the work? Has the Owner signed off on the weld detail and the use of a "stab-in" for use as a welded branch?

The inspector may be on firm ground if the appropriate approvals are not provided. The welds have to be checked against the approved drawing with the appropriate details.

Parent - By Shane Feder (****) Date 09-11-2018 03:14
Agree with all comments from Al.
In addition it is not your job to go chasing some code / specification to justify the work you have performed.
I will qualify that statement by saying you should have already checked the relevant code/s and relevant project specification/s before posting your question on this forum.
It is the inspectors responsibility to inform you if it does not comply and he/she must inform you of where it is written.
Too many inspectors out there base their decisions on their opinions and that can be costly and time consuming to all concerned.
Parent - By sinacedo Date 09-17-2018 21:45
Parent - By jarsanb (***) Date 09-18-2018 15:08
Have you checked ASME B31.8? The design criteria for transmission and distribution branch connections is within. The gas company specifications should have procedures for acceptable practices.

The description you've provided does not give enough detail to whether or not it is acceptable. Given the diameter however, I would be surprised if a full encirclement reinforcing saddle wasn't required. Weldolets are usually optional to other approved branch connection designs. The only reason I am making assumptions to a branch connection is your reference to the weldolet.
Parent - By Joey (***) Date 10-01-2018 07:22
Will you start work without a drawing or work instruction from Engineering Dept?

As a QC, you need approved documents for you to perform your duty before, during and after welding.
No drawing at all, then issue a rejection notice or NCR. Your boss will be happy to know that you are functioning as QC.
Not after everything is completed, then only you will start to ask.   

As a 3rd Party, it will be risky to suggest based on opinion or past experience. What benefit will you get when you say something beyond your work scope? This is so simple "show me the drawing" for me to verify the work.
Parent - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 10-11-2018 11:40
the main concern that the third party inspector has (not knowing what the COC is) would be design. Weld o lets are a fitting that is uses due it already having design criteria built in. (just look at the shear heft of the fitting)   Some even have a weld line on the fitting based on a COC.  First, to weld anything on the gas pipe would require design considerations from a design engineer. Second, the fact that you are seeing a piece of pipe with no re-pad on it is a sure indication that an engineer was not involved. Third, you will see either a piece of pipe with a re-pad or a weld o let used on this. This situation you describe could be easily remedied by have a design engineer look at what has already been done, and possible design a re-pad that could be welded on. Again this is all contingent on what code of construction you are under.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Gas Pipe Welded nipple or weldolet

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