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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Cobra\Henrob Torch
- By Vinny (*) Date 09-07-2018 19:04
I'd appreciate anyone's thoughts, experiences and opinions about the torch.
- By Vinny (*) Date 09-09-2018 02:00

I followed your example and looked at the Detroit Torch site also. They don't even list the kit I bought on the site. This is closest to the kit I have although it has a very different case.  I got the kit for $248 US with free shipping and it was new from a wholesaler in Florida. If it had been anything like the $548 CAN you mention I doubt I would own it now. Considering what I have is apparently not available now, that may account for the differences in prices. A closeout or inventory liquidation price or something similar.

You are correct about Craftsman Tools when getting specific but I think my point is still relevant. I worked in motorsports and many of the tires we used had absolutely nothing to do with the name on the tires. They came from small companies you've never heard of that produce specialized tires and they'll put anyone's name on them. Regardless of the manufacturer reality, those well know names threw their corporate parties at events, had their squad of bikini clad girls roaming the events, handed out their bag of free goodies advertising their name and had their names plastered all over the tracks or courses. None of that was free and I'm aware of many customers created by these practices. None of these industry practices may filter down to the welders holding the torches but I would bet dimes for dollars these same practices are found in the welding industry and effects market share more than any of the quality products standing heads and heels over another. Those that don't participate in these practices don't have the market share matching those that do but that's not an indication of quality. It's an indication of the marketing plan and the product visibility created by the plan.

I did a quick internet search and found that Victor comes from Ningbo Manufacturing, Zhejiang, China. The Cobra torch says it has American Manufacturing, whatever that means now. When I was a kid Japan was known for cheap toys, transistor radios and Honda scooters. They were a joke. By the 80's their standards of quality changed manufacturing worldwide and killed the planned obsolescence manufacturing philosophy that had taken over much of the manufacturing in the US.

None of this really matters though. I'd like to know your thoughts on the torch itself. Since I already own the torch, all this other stuff is irrelevant and all that really matters is the function of the torch. I've seen the torch being used at the Yankee Air Museum where WWII aircraft are restored and recreated where no known survivors are know to exist. Some of the metal fabricators that work there are considered to be among the best from around the world. The Shelby Cobra car bodies are all hand made in Poland and the torch is in use there also. I'm not suggesting they are used exclusively but they are a preference to some apparently. I can't believe the torch as a torch is useless and for me, as I said, the attraction is the size.

I am very interested in knowing your, or any one's thoughts on the torch as a torch.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Cobra\Henrob Torch

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