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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / D1.1
- - By anthonystoltz23 Date 10-10-2018 17:33
Hi my name is Tony Stoltz, I am a second year welding student at Mitchell Technical Institute. I was just wondering if there are urgent changes that are needed to to be made to a certain code, how will we be notified if so that we can change the acceptance criteria in our own books?
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 10-10-2018 17:56
Hi Tony,
Start with the cover of your copy of AWS D1.1 and start reading towards the back of the book, I suspect that you will find your answer rather quickly. :cool:
Parent - - By anthonystoltz23 Date 10-10-2018 19:03
Hi John, so if something changes from the code. Is an inspection required of any welds that were made under the old code?
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 10-10-2018 19:22 Edited 10-10-2018 19:31
At the start of a project, the codes(and the revision) to be used are put into the contract documents. Some of these projects can take months to complete and others may take years to complete. Codes can be revised and edited anytime while these projects are ongoing, but the contract documents/project specifications will govern the code and it's revision to be used during the construction of the project.
So let's say the contract documents say to use AWS D1.1:2010, even though there is a newer revision of AWS D1.1 out in print(currently 2015), the 2010 revision of the code will be used for the duration of the project. Check out the Scope in Clause 1.

edit: I'm assuming that you are asking if welds that were inspected and accepted under the older revision need to be reinspected under the new revision....answer is no, see above explanation
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / D1.1

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