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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Lincoln Classic 300D, Life changing Choices...
- - By 2006strat (***) Date 01-19-2019 19:03
Here recently I had to sale my true love 2008 Classic 300D with Kubota.  Had a couple hiccups that were easly handled, but over all the beat machine I have ever had on my truck.  I am starting over with a 69 Sa200 until everything is better in my life.  I am studying and wanting to build my own machine from the frame up.  I want it to perform and have the same welding charaistics of my 300D.   My queation is, The kubota offers the RPM knob to raise or lower the OCV's, and when OCV's are changed for my reasons I can perform faster, dig, stack, or clean.  Is the arc force option same thing?  I have not welded enough with the arc force to know.  I have a couple diffrent ideas.  I have been sent some info on "Pinch Knobs" which is another rheostat mounted in line.  So, can the ocv's be changed with out changing the rpms would be my question actually?  Just doing a little research and getting some ideas.  My son will be having 3rd set of ear tubes next month.  Been to ER 6 times in two months.  Bills cought up to me trying to stay home around the house and make a honest living is why I sold my 300D.  I always told my self I would be barried with it, but life opens new doors for me on a daily basis.  Any help would be appreciated.  Hell, if you have some neg **** to say, lets hear that to.  Computers are making boys into men now days anyway.  Weld On!
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-25-2019 01:48
From a strictly ohms law point of view:  yes changes in rpm will change OCV.  OCV=Open Circuit Voltage.  I.E.  Voltage measued between stinger and ground with no load applied (electrode on a pipe).  OCV will be a voltage vs. current curve plotted out to that particular DC generator......with Lincolns there is a general engineered curve but each machine tends to be unique to a point.  To just say there is a limit to ocv within a certain range of rpm.  Eventually the armature reaches a max voltage point and begins to go south no matter how fast it spins.  Arc force is a variation of voltage for the same given current.  More Arc force then more voltage applied to the same gap and electrode size....I could be wrong but I want to describe this as DIG.   Your "pinch" knob sounds nothing more then a way to reduce your OCV headroom:  OCV headroom would be the OCV at the present current setting/voltage "gears" and rpm.  The pinch knob would only reduce your ocv not increase it from that point.   I am drinking german beer and talking out my butt.....but I think that would be a good approximation of what your talking about.  Cheers.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Lincoln Classic 300D, Life changing Choices...

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