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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / welder inspector qualifications
- - By mnewiraq Date 02-22-2019 14:17
What are the required qualifications for a person who certify a welder ? Where do these qualifications are mentioned ?

Thank you,
Parent - - By SWN1158 (***) Date 02-22-2019 14:33
When the work must conform to AWS D1.1, which is the structural welding code for steel, the required qualifications, which include persons who can certify a welder, are found in 6.1.4 Inspector Qualification Requirements. Just remember that the project specifications can override 6.1.4. 

I have no formal schooling or special training that allows me to certify welders, but the verbiage in 6.1.4 allows me to do so based on my experience. Again, the job specs can override what D1.1 allows.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-22-2019 17:57
Anyone can certify a welder with the exception of an AWS CAWI.

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-22-2019 16:38
I deleted the other 3 duplicate posts so not to confuse or annoy the people trying to answer the question.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / welder inspector qualifications

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