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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding video
- - By nivram Date 06-23-2003 04:41
Can anyone suggest a good MIG welding "How-TO" video? I'm just getting started and aren't aware of any local classes that I would be able to take. I know how to operate my machine and such but would like to learn what a good weld looks like, technique, etc...

Thanks for your help.


Parent - By kekoakeakane (*) Date 06-24-2003 08:16
Eastwood Company sells a video produced by The Welding Institute in England which is quite informative on the do's and don'ts.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 06-27-2003 07:16
If you have access to the internet you can look forever and not know for sure which one video is right for you.
Cost of video and availabilty is also important to consider.
Before I give you any recommendations, You should definitely search on the internet for the website: .
Ed Craig has one of the most comprehensive websites for learning everything you need to know about "MIG" or otherwise known as GMA Welding. The website even sells books and videos regarding this process, and they are excellent! This is probably your best source to gain a comprehensive understanding of GMAW (MIG).

However, if you do'nt want to spend too much time and effort required to learn both the theoretical, and the practical aspects of GMAW then, there is a video available from a company out in Bonners Ferry, Idaho called: Wall Mountain Company.
The website adress is: , and this video is relatively inexpensive compared to weldreality's pricing.
The title of the video is: "GMAW Wire Feed Welding".
This video covers: equipment, shielding gases, filler wires, fundamentals, welding safety, and weld joints. An introduction to Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) covering the technical aspects and welder skills, featuring close up demonstrations of actual welds in all positions, and finally, different methods of metal transfer eg. short circuit, globular, and spray. The fundamentals section covers: elctrode (filler wire) extension, watching the puddle, wire feed gun angle, direction of travel, wire feed gun movement, travel speed, wire speed and voltage.
This is a very good video for someone that wants to learn this widely used welding process.

Lincoln Electric Company, Miller Electric, and ESAB all sell welding videos, and books that are very good but, some are very expensive compared to the two listed above except for maybe Lincoln's pricing. Its been awhile since I've visited their sites so, do'nt quote me on that!

One more thing that I think is very important!!!!
You need to get a book on Arc welding processes that cover this specific welding process! Why? Well - you do'nt want to go out and buy a book that only covers GMAW because, you do'nt want to limit yourself to only one welding process. with a good "teaching reference book, you can have reference material covering the most widely used welding processes in industry today! You want to find a book that covers not only the processes, you want to have one that covers most of the metals that are welded. Some of the most widely used books are:
Lincoln Electric's " The Procedure Handbook of Arc Welding" , "Welding Skills" by R.T.Miller, an ATP pubication, " Modern Welding Technology fourth edition, by the late Howard B. Cary, published by Prentice-Hall, and finally " Welding Principles and Applications, by Larry Jeffus, published by Delmar books. Now of course there are other good welding books out there but for someone that's "just getting started", then I would pay alot of attention to how much you want to spend on video's and/or books. I'm emphasizing this very important point because if you do'nt want to spend alot of money, then concentrate on the video from Wall Mountain. This video is very comprehensive and one of the least expensive. As far as books go, I believe Lincoln Electric's is the least expensive, and also comprehensive. Most important, shop around!

I'm curious, you mentioned that you were'nt aware of any "local classes" available for learning "MIG" welding. Have you contacted your local community college or Vo-Tech high school to find out what course offerings they may have to suit your needs? I do'nt have any idea of where you are located so, I could'nt recommend any school to you.

Well I'm getting tired so, I think with this information posted above should give you some help. Please let me know what you decide on your next post. Take care and good luck! Most of all, Practice, Practice, Practice!!!


SSBN 727 - Run Silent, Run Deep!!!

Parent - By nivram Date 07-01-2003 02:17
I ended up getting the first video that was mentioned to me. Once i view it i will try to post my thoughts on it.

The other video seems like a great video also. After i view the eastwood video i may end up getting the tape also.

Thanks for your replys.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding video

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