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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / AWS D 1.1 vs CSA W 47.1
- - By - Date 08-07-2000 23:32
What is the current compatibility between AWS D 1.1 and CSA W 47.1?
Parent - By - Date 08-08-2000 20:52
Briefly, there's not much compatibility of the two. W47.1 is a STANDARD for companies who require certification to meet the Canadian building and welding standards--this includes welder testing. D1.1 is a CODE which is used as guide for welding and testing for companies in the US. W47.1 does not stipulate welding conditions (such as Pre-qualified joints) as D1.1 does, it only stipulates what a company must do to gain certification so it's products may be used in Canada. The Canadian equivalent to D1.1 is CSA W59. At this point there is not an American equivalent to W47.1 because US companies are not required to certified to D1.1, they are just "suggested" to use it (in some cases).
The use of W47.1 and W59 are mandated by government legislation to be used for all structures to be used in Canada. Hope this helps.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / AWS D 1.1 vs CSA W 47.1

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