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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Root gap limits per D17.1 (2017)
- - By metllab Date 06-03-2019 17:41
Trying to locate the acceptance limits for root gap for welder qualifications per AWS D17.1.  The 2010 rev has the WSP form to include a field for root but without specifying how to determine the limit (although this is for a procedure qual).  2017 seems completing void addressing the issue.

Any help pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 06-03-2019 19:07
Most standards that have standard welder qualification tests do not provide tolerances for the fit-up conditions or the groove angles.

Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 06-04-2019 18:29
Let the welder helping you make the pqr determine the acceptable limits of the gap or consult with your engineers.   When setting up new parts that would fall outside our qual ranges, engineering would discuss with the weld shop what we thought was reliably possible in fixturing, joint setup etc.  You can then prove your PQR out with testing.  Do two joints one at minimum one at max test (suggested) and get your range.  I do not have a copy of d17.1 in front of me but I am not surprised this kind of info is not practices and qualify it with testing, after all that is what a PQR is for.  If you provide joint and process details I am willing to make suggestions to try.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Root gap limits per D17.1 (2017)

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