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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / AWS D1.6 PQR/WPS
- - By TimGary (****) Date 07-02-2003 17:48
I'm trying to find out if, under AWS D1.6, a change of base metal from 316L to 309 would be an essential variable requiring re-qualification.
I have a copy of table 4.1 (WPS Qualification Variables) (AWS D1.6 1999), which states that " A change in the base metal group shown in Table 3.2 or in base metal type if unlisted" would be an essential variable for the FCAW process I'm using.
My trouble is that I don't currently have the rest of the codebook for cross-referencing.
If someone has a copy of AWS D1.6 handy, please look in table 3.2 and help me out.

Thanks in advance for your time,
Tim Gary
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-02-2003 18:50
What shape material are you working with? or more importantly what ASTM spec. are you working with? The 316L is in both group A and B materials. It depands on the ASTM spec as to which group it will fall into. 309 will be in group B materials.
John Wright
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 07-02-2003 19:36
Hi John,
I'm making an open top, 24" round tank out of SA-240 type 309S, 9/16" plate and a spreader bar type carriage unit for the tank out of SA-240 type 316L, 1/4" square tube, plate, and angle, utilizing the FCAW process.
As I don't have a PQR for either type metal, I was wondering if I could qualify both with one 3/8" Plate PQR. ( The tubing welds are not full penetration, so a 6GR won't be necessary for PQR or WPQ?)
Also, is there a pre-qualified PQR in the book for a full penetration, back gouged (by grinding) joint that would cover fillet welds as well?
Thanks for your time!
P.S. - Don't loan out your code books as it seems like they never find their way back. :(
Parent - - By lewie15689 (*) Date 08-22-2003 13:04
To my knowledge fillet welds are PJP welds. There are prequalified requirements for fillet welds, but not CJP.
If you put a fillet weld on a T joint and back gouged from the other side to filler metal you would have a goove weld with a fillet weld cover. Which may be an over-kill of filler metal deposit. Depending on the configuration of the groove, beveled, square, etc. would determine the type of weld .
A fillet weld T joint qualification, requires a single pass on one side and a mutiple pass on the other. Three macroetches are required for qualification of the PQR.
Ths shapes to be welded is also important. I'm trying to picture the weldment, and I just can't picture how you will be able to backgouged a tube.
Oh well, I hope this helps

Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 08-22-2003 15:14
Hi Lew,
I would not need to backgouge the tube as it would only require fillet welds.
My goal is to qualify the welders using a single 3/8" full pen backgouged plate test as this would also cover both the full pen plate butt welds on the tank and the fillet welds on the spreader bar carriage unit.
I was wondering if there was a prequalified procedure in D1.6 that I could use, or if I would have to qualify new procedure.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / AWS D1.6 PQR/WPS

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