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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Hey Al, was this you?
- - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-10-2019 18:06 Edited 07-10-2019 18:08
I saw this yesterday at a stop light and thought it may have been Al Moore down in my area :razz:....EDIT: Whoa! big picture warning
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 07-11-2019 18:01
I saw the same guy in the parking lot a few minutes later, from a slightly different angle.

The evidence is compelling.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-11-2019 19:10
LOL...thanks for the resized picture

unh-ha, I thought that I recognized those suspenders
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-11-2019 20:11 Edited 07-12-2019 17:19
Where's Elmo?

To tell another story; several years ago I was attending a District Conference in New Hampshire when I heard a voice yell, "Hey Al, hey Al!"

I turned around to see a woman that worked in the office of one of my Connecticut clients.

She said, "As soon as I saw those suspenders, you were the first person that came to mind! It had to be you!"

I was so relieved it wasn't Epstein trying to recruit me for a weekend with him and Trump that I gave her a big hug!

Just saying!

Parent - - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 07-15-2019 16:48
Most likely the recruitment would have come through Bill Clinton and Epstein.
Daily Wire May 2016 reports that Bill Clinton made at least 22 trips with Epstein
The Washington Times May 2016 that Clinton ditched his Secret Service 6 different times to travel with Epstein
The Washington Examiner July 2019 Logs obtained show Clinton went to sex island over 30 times

Just saying!!
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-15-2019 19:06 Edited 07-16-2019 01:23
We all know Bill was a horn dog. We just didn't know the extent of his activities and he's no longer representing us as president. Using B.C. as a standard to measure a president is setting the bar mighty low. As low as that is, Trump manages to walk under it without bending over.

We're stuck with the current billy goat. We know what he thinks of women. The question is, "Do we want him on the world stage representing our country for another four years?" Is he really the best we can do? Good Lord, I hope not.

Just saying.

Parent - - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 07-16-2019 11:41
No one but liberals and democrats set any kind of "bar" and used bill Clinton as the "bar" standard. Secondly B.C still, unfortunately, does represent of our country, and his "bar" follows him around. I always have found it interesting how ultra partisan people hate this president so bad that they resort to using derogatory names because they have no argument. Unemployment at an all time low, GDP running at 3% and could reach 4% by years end, manufacturing is making a come back for the first time in 35 years, for the first time since Obama left office, people of America feel good about their country.  As far as your question of "Is he really the best we can do" I'm sure we can and will do better as long as we have the freedom to vote one in or out, only time will tell, but 64 million people thought he was what our country needed to withstand the illogical and ungodly hordes of the left. I personally thank God for him.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-18-2019 03:08
How is it that it is perfectly fine for BoneSpur to disparage other people, but it is wrong to do the same to him?

Parent - - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 07-19-2019 22:22
Sorry, not aware who "bone spur". But the president of the united states deserves respect no matter who it is. Calling him names is below the dignity of the office he holds and below the act of common curtesy, especially on an open forum. To be perfectly honest, your question is a little silly.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-21-2019 16:02 Edited 07-21-2019 18:51
Isn't it great that we live in a country where we can disagree and still be friends?

It isn't that I disrespect the office, it is just that I find the person sitting in the White House despicable and undeserving of respect. I wouldn't respect Hitler, Stalin, or any person that is a racist or pushes a racist agenda. That’s just one reason I think the gaslighter and his grifters should be tossed out of office.

Parent - By lo-hi (**) Date 07-21-2019 16:46 Edited 07-21-2019 16:48
The leader of a nation as diverse and great as the USA should be able to lead with civility and patience. I'm not sure that's what's happening.                  If this nation is to remain true to the
                                                   ideals symbolized by its flag, it must 
                                                   not wield the tools of tyrants even to
                                                   resist an assault by the forces of tyranny.
                                                      Justice John Paul Stevens  2004
Parent - - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 07-29-2019 12:06
And there it is. Liberals always pull the Hitler card to try to make their case. What "racist agenda" are you bloviating about? As far as tossing him out of office. What makes our country great is you will have a chance to do that with this upcoming election. Again, if you want to throw a person out of office who has turned the economy around, increased the GDP, created the best job market since 1969, has put more true constitutionalist on the courts than any other president, then cast your vote. I honestly don't think Hitler or Stalin every allowed that kind of freedom, but you seem to be more entuned with those two despicable people than I am, as you reference them often. FYI Al, when you disrespect the person in the office you disrespect the office.
Parent - - By LToca85 (**) Date 07-29-2019 13:18
Jim with all due respect, you may not see the racist agenda because you aren't on the agenda. I do, I feel it and I see it. I agree confederate statues should not be taken down, but I say this because they are there so we know the history so we won't make a mistake twice. His hate speech and literate comes pretty close to Hitlers, again you may not see it because its not you he is talking about. On regard to disrespecting the man in office, did you defend Obama like you are now when he was in office or did you agree or perhaps you didn't agree but you didn't say anything because well he wasn't on the political side that you view? Because he was blasted during office, all those conservative talk shows like Rush Limbaugh talked about him and it was just as bad.
Parent - - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 07-29-2019 19:18
First of all President Obama was not blasted during his time in office. He was loved by everyone in the main stream media. To say any different is just disingenuous. Secondly, again liberals always pull the Hitler card as if anyone in modern society even comes close to his murderous feats, but you still use as the comparison. President Trump has not done, said or implied anything close to Hitler. LToca85, you understand that Hitler had 6 million Jews put to death in the most horrific ways, right? And spoke about it prior to doing it. Another million gypsies, gays, and Christians who were part of the resistance like Dietrich Bonhoeffer were put to death. You need to be careful about what you are using as a comparison.  Thirdly, a "racist agenda" put out by anyone would be recognized by everyone. Not only do I not recognize it as such, a majority of the American people do not. In my experience, typically those that want to see a racist agenda will see one under every bush. Just to close this out, President Trump as the president does not deserve the disrespect that has been shown by those on this forum. It stems from a sheer hatred of the man and for no other reason then that he won. Those that call him names, are not showing him the respect due any president, yes including president Obama. My opinion.
Parent - - By LToca85 (**) Date 07-29-2019 21:15
Easy buddy we are just having a nice friendly debate here lets not get riled up. Firstly President Obama was blasted, perhaps not by the main stream media as much as Trump is being so now but he was in the Conservative radio talk shows, I can tell you this first hand because the shop where I used to work at for five years played those radio shows all day. You really didn't see the hate in his speeches during his presidential campaign huh, let me put it this way. The anger he invoked in others towards Hispanics was and is real. For the first few weeks my family and I were scared to go to the mall the looks we got, the racist remarks we received were all growing due to his speeches. The way he spoke made every Hispanic look like a murderer a rapist or just a lazy person. The liberals might have taken it a bit far comparing that to Hitler, but I felt a little safer when the liberals showed up in drones denouncing that kind of speech.
Parent - - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 07-30-2019 19:22 Edited 08-02-2019 11:01
No one is riled up. President Obama was not blasted. He was loved by every media outlet and given a pass on a lot of things.  You need to quit looking through those rose colored glasses you have, that cause you to see race in everything.  I have not heard hate speech in President Trumps speeches, and you can't keep taking what he says out of context or conflating the issues. As far as racist remarks, President Trump has never made racist remarks. He has been very challenging towards people and sometimes they are of color. It seems like when people see race in everything it's very easy to call someone a racist.  I speak with Hispanics all the time that support the president 100%. Because they know we need to protect our boarder. Again you have taken what he said about Hispanics crossing our boarder illegally and miss quoted it.
Parent - - By LToca85 (**) Date 08-02-2019 13:27
I am giving you the reference where he was blasted. Its not about seeing race in everything, its about noticing it when it is there. I am not taking it out of context I know what he meant. Its the people that don't know what he meant that scare me, the people who took his speech to secure the border took it very much like hate speech and decided to stand with him. Hate groups stood up and said we are with you President Trump. That is what makes his way of saying things dangerous. Maybe he didn't mean it that way but groups like the KKK are taking it that way. When his speeches and actions rile up these hate groups that is something of concern, that is where the comparison comes in. Someone in his position holds a lot of influence whether he does it intentionally or not. Kids are growing up hearing, what is possibly the most powerful man on earth, talking this way and suddenly they will think this type of talk is okay. Lastly "challenging towards people" is a good one I think I will use that one.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-02-2019 15:27
You realize that the past several many Presidents have talked sternly about tightening and closing the border,  ( give me a few minutes and I can find you plenty of examples on YouTube) but this President is actually trying to deal with the problem that has been kicked down the road by the past Presidents.  Not sure how that translates into racist,  hate speech when it doesn't target any ethnic group, only illegal border crossers, doesn't matter where they are from or who they are. This thing about calling everyone a racist is getting pretty old.
Parent - - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 08-02-2019 15:30 Edited 02-10-2020 18:18
So you are the only one that can "know what he meant" better than anyone else? That is interesting and odd. Those that hate him are better suited to know what he meant than those that don't hate him. Can you see that people would have a hard time believing that?  You understand that in this country we are guided by the constitution and it say's we have freedom of speech. It does not stipulate so called hate speech. What is hate speech anyway? Speech you don't agree with? My family come over here to this land to flee those that wanted to squelch their speech and were here during the revolutionary war. This country was founded on freedom and freedom of speech. I don't agree with some speech, some of which is derogatory and very negative, but it is protected speech. There is no evidence of what the president has said or is saying is being taken by anyone the way you are saying. You watch way to much CNN and MSNBC. What do you mean kids are growing up hearing this and it could influence them? Are you serious? Have you heard any rap music lately? You are witnessing the most vile speech ever to come out of the mouths of kids. President Trump has nothing to do with that. It has been getting courser for that last 15 years. Wake up and take those "a bigot" behind every bush glasses you are wearing off. Start looking at the influence the President has had on the economy, manufacturing, housing starts, GDP.
Parent - - By LToca85 (**) Date 08-05-2019 12:55
Before I go on I just want to say I respect both of y'all very much, for the last year I have come to this forum to learn and y'all have taught me very much.

We both know what he meant Jim, the person that didn't was the shooter in El Paso this week end. That person drove hundreds of miles so he could hunt down immigrants like animals. Because that's what we are according to Trump "these aren't people. These are animals" that is what he has said. Now don't get me wrong I am sure this individual was troubled long before Trump even took office, but Trump being in the position he is in, speaking the way he spoke gave this individual a sense of empowerment. But you are right this country does have freedom of speech, so Al's comments regarding President Trump are protected as well. John yes every president has talked about it or done something about it. Take president Obama, there were more people deported in his presidency than in Bush's presidency. Have you seen the numbers for immigration? More people are leaving/getting deported, than actually coming in. I don't see a border crisis, I see another political move to get votes from both the left and the right.
Parent - - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 08-05-2019 13:19
again, you are speaking about something you don't seem to know about. The President called MS13 members animals not in general about a particular race of people. You make a statement like it's fact. It's not. The rhetoric coming from the left is part of the problem. Calling the president a racist because he calls out a politician of color. Saying that President Trump actually had his hand on the trigger of the shooters in El-Paso and Ohio. That is rhetoric that is not necessary.  President Reagan had one of these shootings to deal with in his 8 years, bush the elder had 4, Clinton had 8, Bush the younger had 6, President Obama had 24, and now Trump has had 4. There is something wrong in the culture that is triggering these shootings and it is not political, it's a human heart problem.
Parent - - By LToca85 (**) Date 08-05-2019 14:18
Do you think the shooter in El Paso knew if the President was speaking in general or not? Do you think the kids that are going to bully my kids when they "go back to your country" are going to care if the President are speaking in general or not?
Parent - - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 08-06-2019 14:38
What happened was tragic and horrible. Blaming it on anyone but the person that pulled the trigger is wrong and unfair.  What's  relevant is what the shooter did and said in his manifesto that he posted. You are conflating issues.  Do you read anything? Did you read my reply's? Do some investigating on your own without being influenced by CNN or MSNBC.  You seem to be stuck with one sided views with no corresponding argument.
Parent - - By LToca85 (**) Date 08-06-2019 17:54
Heads up I don't really watch the news, I am neither left or right. Yes i read the "Inevitable Truth" crap he posted. That man had issues and yes the incident was tragic and horrific. I don't know what you took out of this demented mans thoughts but this was clearly political. He hates the democrats and of course he is going to say, my party is not at fault. This man had issues long before Trump came along and if you don't feel the rhetoric Trump uses didn't have any kind of sense of incitement I am not sure what to tell you.
Parent - - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 08-07-2019 11:07
Sorry LToca85. I'm not buying it. "I don't really watch the news", I am neither left or right" can't be correct, your talking point's are right out of CNN and MSNBC, and you don't mention the Ohio shooter was a Elizabeth Warren supporter to try and bring balance.  Let me say this one more time. Please do your own research and research what the President has said in context. He is not inciting anything, just like when President Obama was not inciting anything when he supported black lives matters and had one of their leaders to the white house. Most of the nations top cops complained about that meeting. I personally believe the President was most likely trying to get them to back off their hate and riot incitements.  Did you know that?  These people that do these killings are wholly and completely at fault. What is being reported today is both shooters have had metal illness issues in their past.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-01-2019 00:41
Is it not more worrisome to consider the sheer lack of maturity "thin skin" and apparent (obviously) stupidity. Then necessarily any agenda applied. The guy has this largest trigger on earth in reach.  I usually avoid "political" crap like the plague but really......
Parent - - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 09-05-2019 11:16
Sorry Tommy, not understanding your point. Maybe you can rephrase your point?
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-07-2019 03:54 Edited 09-07-2019 03:59
Ehhh  Just expressing my disappointment with Commander and Chief is all.  If he would just shut up...His on the record comments make him look senile, incompetent or just miserably self interested; take your pick.  Certainly not Presidential in nature. Embarrassing if you will.  So I understand the rise and roar from the younger crowd driving the media feeding frenzy on his every comment.  It is justified actually.....simply because he wont shut up...makes 50 public comments a day like he is texting his cousin in Florida.  For the most part I have no major qualms with his operation.  The Tariffs have had a serious effect I have seen personally.  Protectionism has not worked the last three times it was utilized in this country...but hey give it another shot...we will see.

Edit: btw I am a devout free market guy, capitalist all the way.
Parent - - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 09-09-2019 14:44
Got it! Thanks for clarifying. Just to be clear though, the Trump tariffs are not protectionism. The USA has been taken advantage of for years because we put people in the White House that have never had a job. They have no skill set to make logical decisions, and have sold the American people down the river. One example was NAFTA.  Tariffs have been used successfully by past Presidents. One in particular was William McKinley. There is a good book about him called "The Triumph of William McKinley". In that book he takes on countries that are taking advantage of the USA. What McKinley did with tariffs was protectionism. He was trying to protect the workers of America. I believe President Trump is trying to make trade a more level playing field, and have light shed on countries like China that are cheating.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-09-2019 21:25 Edited 09-09-2019 21:38
NAFTA was signed in 1992 by G. Bush. It eliminated tariffs between signatory countries.

Nixon gave China favored nation trading status.

As far as I'm concerned "Numbnuts with the Sharpie" can jack the tariff to 100%. I never thought one of our primary adversaries should be given favored nation status as a trading partner. We're paying them to build their military sector. They could not afford to invest heavily in their military until we started shipping our industry and profits to China.

Oh wait, China is paying the tariffs, not the citizens of US, just like Mexico is paying for the wall!

Just saying - Al
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 09-09-2019 22:47
President Clinton signer NAFTA into law in 1993

In 1994  Bush was elected Governor of texas, But as President hi did expand NAFTA from 3 nations to 13
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-10-2019 13:21
"A Canadian-U.S. free-trade agreement was concluded in 1988, and NAFTA basically extended that agreement’s provisions to Mexico. NAFTA was negotiated by the administrations of U.S. Pres. George H.W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and Mexican Pres. Carlos Salinas de Gortari. Preliminary agreement on the pact was reached in August 1992, and it was signed by the three leaders on December 17. NAFTA was ratified by the three countries’ national legislatures in 1993 and went into effect on January 1, 1994."

I checked several sources to confirm the dates and who was involved in formulating the agreement. I believe the agreement was already in effect by the time Clinton was sworn in as President.

Our friend Ross P., who ran against Bush and Clinton was the one that said the great sucking sound you hear is our money heading South (or something to that effect).

Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 09-10-2019 13:57
Ross P was a very interesting guy
Parent - By cacuoclucky88 Date 01-18-2020 10:07
i mages is cann't view
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Hey Al, was this you?

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