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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Brazing a patio chair??
- - By Dubliner (*) Date 07-06-2003 16:39
I have a damaged patio chair, gray metal, looks like the inside of a "Whopper" - malt ball - not the hamburger. I think I've heard it called "pot metal". Can I braze this, and what would I need to do so? TIA, from sunny Austin
Parent - - By dee (***) Date 07-07-2003 04:14
Doubtful that it's pot metal- it has the wrong physical properties for common use as chairs and similar furniture- more common as cast lamp bases, decorative parts and other castings.

Is the chair magnetic?

Parent - - By Dubliner (*) Date 07-07-2003 17:23
No, its not magnetic, some kind of aluminum alloy, I think.
Parent - - By flashburner1 (*) Date 07-07-2003 19:33
I'm new to the board, (found it when trying to change my mailing address with the AWS) but have been checking it out for a few days now, and am impressed with the amount of knowledge I've seen displayed.
I could be wrong, but from your description and an assumption that this chair is in fact a casting, I would venture to say that the material is a magnesium alloy. I use a fine file to get some small shavings and put them under my oxy-acetylene torch - if it burns it is magnesium. I have never brazed magnesium, only TIG, but I have read that it can be done. There are companies that sell flux specific for magnesium brazing.
This article may help:
Good luck,
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-07-2003 19:58
Hi Brian,
Welcome to the forum. I agree with you, this is a good source of info. There are lots of people with varying degrees of experience and backgrounds to bounce questions off of that monitor this forum. Most of these people check in daily and can offer an opinion fairly quickly.
Good tip about checking the shavings,
John Wright
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Brazing a patio chair??

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