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Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Documents & Downloads / CWB ladder plug weld
- - By welderfitter (*) Date 07-28-2019 20:36
Hello All

I have attached a CWB plug weld data sheet for welding ladder rungs. If sent to the CWB it should pass based on previous accepted test.

Thanks for your time.

Attachment: FCAWLadderPlug.pdf (504k)
Parent - - By SWN1158 (***) Date 07-29-2019 10:28 Edited 07-29-2019 10:43
In my humble opinion, a fillet welded ladder rung is more efficient, as less labor is involved. It's also of sufficient strength. For example, one 3/16 fillet weld around a 3/4 diameter rung is good for 6,558#.

.928 (the multiplier) x 3 (3/16) = 2.784 (kips)

2.784 (strength of a one inch long 3/16 fillet weld) x 2.355 (circumference of the rod diameter) = 6.558

So, one inch of 3/16 fillet weld is good for 6,558#

It's never made sense to punch holes in a ladder stringer, which bows the stringer, then plug weld the rung, and and then grind it flush, when a fillet weld at each end will suffice.

I hear the excuse.... What if the fillet weld breaks? My response is always this... "You're worried about a fillet weld breaking on a ladder rung? If a fillet weld is good enough for a framing angle at the end of a beam, that's supporting a much, much heavier load, then it's good enough to hold a 250 # man climbing up and down a ladder."
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-29-2019 11:11
I'm more concerned about how the ladders are attached vs how they were built....especially the ones where they lean out at the top farther than at the bottom and it feels like you are falling backwards the entire time you are climbing. ie water tanks
Parent - - By welderfitter (*) Date 08-07-2019 22:44
Hey Guys

I have to agree about the time it takes to fab. a ladder with hole and them to plug them.
The problem is, if the design engineer designs it this way, its got to be done that way.

Thanks for your time.

Parent - - By SWN1158 (***) Date 08-12-2019 12:56 Edited 08-13-2019 11:28
That's what RFI's are for. Just because it's shown on the design drawings a certain way doesn't mean it's etched in stone. The answer is always "no" if you don't ask.
Parent - By welderfitter (*) Date 09-02-2019 23:21

Its not a certain way, its a design drawing and the welding foreman at the shop your working at just gave you this job to do.
He is expecting you to build it this way.
Some customers / engineers expect thing done their way.

Thanks for your time.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Documents & Downloads / CWB ladder plug weld

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