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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Tack Welding Qualification
Poll welder qualified on the 3 inch and above by WQT... he can do tack weld for half inch and 1 inch pipe..?
Yes. He can 1 100%
No. He can't perform 0 0%
- - By rayeez Date 09-15-2019 07:27
Hello Friends..
As per ASME B31.1 sec 127.4.1 C) "Tack welds permitted to remain in the finished weld shall be made by a qualified welder. Tack welds made by an unqualified welder shall be removed......etc"
My question is what is really mean by qualified welder..? i have situation actually, one welder qualified on the 3 inch and above he can tack weld half inch and 1 inch pipe..? only tack welding is possible..?? Any section or paragraph talk about the tack weld and tack welder qualification...??

Please share information if anyone know it
Parent - By Shane Feder (****) Date 09-17-2019 11:30
No, he can't.
If he is putting in tacks that will remain in a completed 1/2" or 1"weld then he must be qualified to weld those size pipes.
He can put in "bridge" tacks or "bullets" but these must then be removed when the qualified welder is available to complete the weld.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Tack Welding Qualification

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