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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Qualification for P1G1 and P1G2 ( impact testing required)
- - By 619822 Date 09-20-2019 08:57
i Have an application which requires to weld 2 pipes together which are P1G1 to P1G1  and a flange to the end of one of the Pipes Which makes it a P1G1 to P1G2 Combination. When i read QW 403.5 ( 2017 Edition Section IX ) what i understand is that both combination should be qualified. Pl share your comments if I am right or Wrong??
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-20-2019 13:48
Only if CVN is required. The group number is a supplemental essential variable, thus only applies when CVN is required by the construction code, i.e., Section I, Section VIII, B31.1, etc.

Parent - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 09-20-2019 14:04
for ASME Sec. IX group number are only a supplementary essential variable. If CVN's are required then it's relevant. If not, then your P1 to P1 PQ will suffice, or if your client is requiring P1 Gr. 2 material to be an essential variable then you would have to qualify that combination of group numbers.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Qualification for P1G1 and P1G2 ( impact testing required)

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