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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / D1.1 welder qualification and porosity
- - By ryan_adrian Date 10-23-2019 13:35
In D1.1 for a welder qualification I cant find anywhere that mentions the allowable limitations of porosity other than in table 6.1, it mentions piping porosity. But my question is lets say there is some cluster porosity not at the toes of the weld causing failure for lack of fusion (  but rather its in the face of the weld, how much would be allowed if any?

Parent - - By SWN1158 (***) Date 10-23-2019 14:55
Parent - By ryan_adrian Date 10-23-2019 17:23
thank you.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / D1.1 welder qualification and porosity

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