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Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Safety / Amperage Increasing Dramatically While Welding [Help Needed]
- - By Nanofuzer Date 11-22-2019 05:49
Hello, I am a student at a public school in California and have some concerns. Today, I was welding on some scrap during class with a 3/32 electrode at 84 amps. Mid-way through welding, my electrode started burning quickly and was making a lot of spark, not normal. I stop and when I looked at my welder it was at 179 amps. I turned it off and turned it back on, it was still at 179 amps. I turned it off again and went to clean my scrap. When I came back, I turned my welder on and set the amps back to 84. Mid-way through welding and same thing happened, only this time it jumped to 284 amps and almost burned a hole on my gloves. I asked my instructor what could've happened and he just told me that someone could've accidentally kicked the amp dial or that I really needed to turn off my welder whenever I'm not using it, which I do ALL THE TIME.

I have reason to suspect that a few of my classmates have been tampering with my welder while I'm welding. A few of my friends have pointed out that 2 specific people were near my welder when the increase in amperage occurred. Before I can report this to our school, I need evidence and/or an explanation of what could've happened.

I would like to know if it's possible for my amperage to jump from 84 to 179, or 84 to 284 amps while I'm welding. The amperage did not went down after I stopped welding, or when I restarted my welder. I don't think that accidentally kicking the amp dial for my welder would cause it to go up that high.

That being said, I would like to hear this community's opinion on this matter and would like to have an answer before I get seriously injured or worse from this matter.

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-22-2019 11:03
Nope, the machine should not add amperage on its own. Somebody else is messing around.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-23-2019 00:06
Have the instructor keep an eye open while you're welding. My money is on your classmates.

- By Nanofuzer Date 11-23-2019 01:11
Alright, I will make a report on it. I will not wait to get hurt before reporting so I will do so before that happens.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Safety / Amperage Increasing Dramatically While Welding [Help Needed]

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